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Re: [Maposmatic-dev] Japanese Translation

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Maposmatic-dev] Japanese Translation
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 10:10:11 +0200

Dear Hal-san,

2012/8/8 Hal Seki <address@hidden>:
> For some reason I'm facing 'The MapOSMatic
> rendering daemon is currently not running...' error on browser. Anyway
> I will investigate it and might ask something on this mailing list.

This is not really an issue. My own setting of MapOSMatic is
displaying this error and the daemon is running, jobs are rendered. I
don't exactly know when this message is displayed (I should look at
the code! ;-).

You just need to launch the rendering daemon as said in maposmatic INSTALL file:
Then, you can run the rendering daemon through the wrapper with:

  .../scripts/ scripts/ &

Best regards,

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