Full legal name of the institution in the national language: Universidad de Alcalá. Acronym: UAH Erasmus ID code: E-ALCAL-H01 Full name of the institution in English: Alcalá University Department: Computer Engineering Type of institution: University Country code: 034 Town: Alcalá de Henares Region code: ??? Contact person -First name: Sebastián -Family name: Sánchez Prieto -Male -Function: ??? Phone: 34-1-8856602 Fax.: 34-1-8856641 e-mail: address@hidden, address@hidden website: http://www.uah.es, http://atc1.aut.uah.es Is the institution able to recover VAT? yes Full Address (not required) Departamento de Automática. Escuela Politécnica. Campus Universitario. Universidad de Alcalá. Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona km. 33,600 28871 Alcalá de Henares Madrid-Spain