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Re: [Masterlibre-list] MoLOS work

From: David Megias
Subject: Re: [Masterlibre-list] MoLOS work
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 18:14:13 +0200
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Dear list members,

I've been talking to Jesus about the possibility of establishing a European Consortium to offer (some form of) the MoLOS programme jointly, multiply or in an integrated way. This would be a prior step to participate in the 2007 Erasmus Mundus call. The idea is that Jesus and me will present you a curriculum proposal that we could offer (possibliy partially) at different universities. The UOC can also offer several courses in a distance learning in case you don't have a critical mass at your departments to offer the whole master programme. Once you receive our proposal, we could start some discussion and, if you are interested in taking part in the Consortium, formal contacts involving the managing staff at your Universities can begin.

Our idea is to try to define a Consortium which satisfies the Erasmus Mundus criteria, basically, at least three University in three different Member states should be involved. I have full institutional support from the managers of my University and I hope we can find the partners to make the MoLOS project a reality. This consortium will require that the Master programme is actually offered at your universities (either from Autumn 2006 or Spring 2007).

Best regards,


   David Megias, PhD

   Estudis d'Informatica, Multimedia i Telecomunicacions
   Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
   Rambla del Poblenou, 156
   08018 Barcelona

   Tel: (+34) 933 263 735
   Fax: (+34) 933 568 822

   E-mail: address@hidden, address@hidden

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