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Reverse proxy support

From: Josh Kelley
Subject: Reverse proxy support
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 16:18:00 -0500

It would be useful if Monit supported being accessed through a reverse
proxy in Apache 2.  This would avoid requiring that an additional port
be opened by the firewall, would let access to Monit be controlled by
Apache's more flexible authentication mechanisms, and could offer full
access to Monit's web interface (unlike monit.php in the contrib

The main reason that using Monit behind a reverse proxy doesn't work
is because Monit uses absolute URLs everywhere.  The attached patch
modifies it to use relative URLs; this still works when Monit is
accessed directly but also permits it to work behind a reverse proxy.

With the patch applied, you can access through Apache using an Apache
config similar to the following:

ProxyPass /monit/ http://localhost:2812/
ProxyPassReverse /monit/ http://localhost:2812/

<Location /monit/>
       # Insert authentication directives here

Josh Kelley

Attachment: monit-proxy.patch
Description: Binary data

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