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[Monotone-devel] Cannot build monotone 0.18 with boost-1-31

From: monotone
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Cannot build monotone 0.18 with boost-1-31
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:32:00 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.5

Hi folks,

on a non-Debian machine I tried to build monotone. The previous build of boost
as described in INSTALL of monotone seems to be successfully. I used the

    cd boost_1_31_0
    (cd tools/build/jam_src && ./
    BJAM=`find tools/build/jam_src/ -name bjam -a -type f`
    $BJAM "-sBUILD=release <threading>single <optimization>speed \
    for i in `find bin -type d -a -name \*.a`; 
      do for j in `find $i -type f -a -name \*.a`; 
        do mv $j libs/`basename $i`; 

After that, the configure of monotone

    ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/lvol2/src/boost_1_31_0/boost" \

complains about non existing libboost_unit_test_framework. And indeed, there has
be no library been built in 

And the inbound for-loops above copy only the static-library libs available.

So, there seems to be two ways to go:

1) How can I build boost with the unit_test? What are the bjam options, if there
are any for this. I am really not familiar with boost-building.

2) How can I prevent monotone from trying to build the unit-tests, without
patching the configure[.ac]?

Any ideas?

Ciao, Georg

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