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[Monotone-devel] [Script] ACL file script

From: Conrad Steenberg
Subject: [Monotone-devel] [Script] ACL file script
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:41:57 -0700


I couldn't find a place on the monotone web page to upload lua script
contribs, so here is a small spam to the list instead:

Attached is a simple lua script, acl.lua, that can be used to read cert
names from a file instead of having it coded in your .monotonerc hooks.

Also attached is a .monotonerc that loads $HOME/.monotone/acl.lua and
uses $HOME/.monotone/netsync_read_permitted.acl and
$HOME/.monotone/netsync_write_permitted.acl to look for cert names.

The .acl files consist of one cert name per line, with a line containing
"*all" matching all certs.

The .acl files are read every time the respective hooks are called, so
the ACLs can be modified without stopping and restarting a monotone
server. Of course it would be nicer to have the ACL info in a table in
the actual monotone database in future, but let's see how this goes

The acl.lua file implements a function
grant_access(cert_name, file_name, debug) 
which checks whether the provided cert_name (or *all) is found on one of
the lines in the file_name file. It returns either true or false. The
debug parameter is optional and defaults to nil.

The test_acl.lua file can be run from the command line with a cert name
as an argument and uses the file
$HOME/.monotone/netsync_write_permitted.acl as an ACL allowed list.



Conrad Steenberg <address@hidden>

Attachment: acl.lua
Description: Text document

Attachment: testacl.lua
Description: Text document

Attachment: .monotonerc
Description: Text document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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