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[Monotone-devel] Boost 1.32 apparently required for monotone head

From: Brian Downing
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Boost 1.32 apparently required for monotone head
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:00:59 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Just noting this so that the documentation can be updated, in case none
of the developers are still using 1.31:

11:24 <bdowning> Hm, I'm trying to build monotone head with boost-1.31, and
        I'm getting "error: no match for `boost::filesystem::path& <
        boost::filesystem::path&' operator" from a std::sort in
        Does monotone require boost-1.32 now, or is this a bug?
11:27 <msh> I thought 1.31 was meant to work, though could be wrong
11:28 <bdowning> It did until these changes in, AFAIK.
11:29 <msh> what function/line?
11:30 <bdowning> I'm not sure, other than something that eventually calls
        std::partial_sort.  I'm not so good at parsing the 100+ line
        error message.  :(
11:31 <msh> yeah, looks like 1.32 I guess is required.
11:32 <bdowning> The error is here:
11:32 <bdowning> Okay, I'll upgrade then.
11:32 <msh> looking at boost 1.31 here, seems it doesn't have a comparison
11:32 <msh> which'd be a problem with sort(), I assume

*** Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos dot net>

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