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Re: [Monotone-devel] continued problems

From: Matthew Gregan
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] continued problems
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 15:44:53 +1200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

At 2005-08-27T18:49:43-0700, Howard Spindel wrote:
> I've been corresponding with Matthew Gregan about some continued 
> problems I've been having with monotone, but enough new stuff has 
> come to light that I thought a post to the group as a whole might 
> stir some useful thoughts.

I just sent you another response about this privately--if you'd like to
resend it to the list, feel free.

> I also tried monotone db dump followed by a monotone db 
> load.  monotone db load won't work for me - it starts spitting out 
> lots of errors.  My command line is:

> monotone db load --db=newDatabase.db < dumpfile

> From the looks of the errors, monotone is seeing data lines in the 
> dumpfile as SQL commands, as if redirecting input to monotone isn't 
> working right.

Can you please post an example of an error message you're seeing?  And
can you reproduce this problem on both your Win2k and XP machines?  I
can't reproduce it here.

Also, what type of shell are you running monotone under; cmd.exe, or a
Cygwin or MinGW/MSYS shell?

Matthew Gregan                     |/
                                  /|                address@hidden

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