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[Monotone-devel] Unnecessary performance hit on push?

From: Marcel van der Boom
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Unnecessary performance hit on push?
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:41:05 +0200

During a run of

monotone --debug push 'com.xaraya.sandbox'

i noticed this in the debug output:
monotone: matching 'com.xaraya.sandbox' against 'com\.xaraya \.sandbox' excluding '$.^': included, not excluded: matches
monotone: finding items to synchronize:
monotone: including branch com.xaraya.sandbox
monotone: prepared statement SELECT id, name, value, keypair, signature FROM revision_certs WHERE name = ? monotone: binding 1 parameters for SELECT id, name, value, keypair, signature FROM revision_certs WHERE name = ?
monotone: binding 1 with value 'branch'

In our case that last select retrieves more than 30.000 records, of which almost all of them will be irrelevant.

Isn't there a way to call get_certs() in with the signature where the value is also included in the where clause of th query? The delay on the current query is *very* noticeable. From casual inspection it doesnt seem necessary to retrieve *all* certificates, but i'm still a bit lost in the woods in the code.



Marcel van der Boom
HS-Development BV               --
So! webapplicatie framework  --

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