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[Monotone-devel] monotone-viz compiled error

From: Drakie Awita
Subject: [Monotone-devel] monotone-viz compiled error
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 06:03:46 +0800

I've checked out the latest n.v.monotone-viz (as of 2006-02-02) and
encountered the following while compiling

# ./configure --with-shared-sqlite=no
# make
ocamlopt -o monotone-viz -I . -I ocamlnet-0.97.1 -I mlsqlite -I
extlib-1.3 -I /usr/src/net.venge.monotone-viz/lablgtk/src -I glib -I
crypto str.cmxa lablgtk.cmxa gtkInit.cmx lablgnomecanvas.cmxa 
ocamlnet-0.97.1/base64.cmx mlsqlite/sqlite3.cmx extlib-1.3/IO.cmx
extlib-1.3/unzip.cmx glib/gspawn.cmx glib/giochannel.cmx
glib/viz_gmisc.cmx glib/gpattern.cmx crypto/crypto.cmx viz_misc.cmx
viz_types.cmx q.cmx dot_lexer.cmx dot_parser.cmx revision_lexer.cmx
revision_parser.cmx subprocess.cmx components.cmx database.cmx
agraph.cmx autocolor.cmx viz_style.cmx icon.cmx ui.cmx unidiff.cmx
view.cmx query.cmx app.cmx version.cmx main.cmx lib3rdparty.a
No implementations provided for the following modules:
  camlPango referenced from view.cmx
make: *** [monotone-viz] Error 2

I'm not familiar with OCAML and cannot find the word 'camlPango' used
anywhere in the monotone-viz package.  Can anyone help tell how to fix
this error?

The released version "monotone-viz-0.12" is compiled OK in the same
machine environment.  I can run monotone-viz-0.12 on a "rosterified"
monotone database and show the history graph nicely, but when I click
on any revision box, it shows the error of:
        Error while parsing revision set of <revision-id>

(Does anyone know how to fix this error?  I'm running rosterified v0.26-pre1)
This is why I'm trying out the latest development branch, which is of revision:

# mtn log --last=1
Revision: 26c1aca28e42e0dc944adc8585951eea8e3350c0
Ancestor: d1441e70a7722f9dbace7a0545c1db5a56fce639
Author: address@hidden
Date: 2006-01-13T17:17:32
Branch: net.venge.monotone-viz

And here is the machine environment where both "n.v.monotone-viz" and
"monotone-viz-0.12" are compiled:

# pkg-config --modversion pango
# pkg-config --modversion atk
# pkg-config --modversion glib
# pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0
# apt-show-versions ocaml
ocaml/testing uptodate 3.09.0-4

When compiling n.v.monotone-viz, I've made the symbolic links of:
        monotone -> /usr/src/monotone-0.26pre1
        lablgtk -> /usr/src/monotone-viz-0.12/lablgtk
so that I don't have to install LablGTK and Sqlite myself.  Don't know
if it's the cause for the above compiler error.

Thanks for any hint in advance

--- Drakie

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