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Re: [Monotone-devel] RFC: do no exit mtn if database is locked

From: Ulf Ochsenfahrt
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] RFC: do no exit mtn if database is locked
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 18:58:18 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061013)

Nuno Lucas wrote:
Also, by always retrying, you can get into a deadlock, as explained in
the documentation you have linked to.

I was very surprised by this, and looked at the linked page:

It says that retrying could result in a deadlock, when two processes simultanesouly try to do lock promotion (dunno if mtn uses lock promotion at all, but if so, it must use two different kinds of lock promotion in different parts of the code), and to reduce the likelihood of deadlock, it will then return an error code to one of the processes instead of calling the busy callback.

I read that as meaning that you can avoid deadlocks in two different ways:
- don't use lock promotion (I'm guessing that mtn doesn't use that anyway)
- when you get an error code of SQLITE_BUSY from sqlite, back off and release the read lock

So retrying to acquire the read lock, if you don't already hold a lock, can never result in a deadlock. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have much sqlite experience.

You may want to give a look into the sqliteDefaultBusyCallback()
implementation (in the sqlite source file main.c), which is the one
setup by the sqlite3_busy_timeout() function.

An option to retry the database lock aquiry would help significantly with the eclipse plugin. :D


-- Ulf

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