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[Monotone-devel] Translation status script

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Translation status script
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:09:47 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060911)

Hi all!

I just wrote a little python script which shows me the translation
status for monotone. For this purpose it queries the files directly via
mtn cat and feeds them into msgfmt -cv.

I initially thought this would be a nice addition for tracmtn (or some
trac module which is included), but since my Python knowledge is very
limited I soon noticed that this is not a quickie and decided to
implement this as a simple shell script. Still, having this in place
somewhere on the web might be faster for translators to check the status
- maybe one could even color it nicely and add a file download
possibility as well.

Another todo would be to read the manifest of the given revision first
and parse out any "*.po" files - then one could get even rid of
monotone's specific file locations and pre-determined translations... =)


ICQ: 85945241 | SIP: 1-747-027-0392 |
> Guitone, a frontend for monotone:
> Music lyrics and more:

import os
import sys
import traceback

db    = "~/private/"
rev   = "h:net.venge.monotone" 
trans = ['de','it','sv','es','fr','ja','pt_BR']

    for t in trans:
        out = os.popen("mtn -d \"" + db + "\" cat -r " + rev + " po/" + t + 
".po 2>/dev/null | msgfmt -cv -o /dev/null 2>&1 -").read().strip()
        print t,":",out
    print "An error occured", sys.exc_info()

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