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Re: [Monotone-devel] A few last changes needed

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] A few last changes needed
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2007 14:55:21 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070307)


Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:, which is refered to from the
Wiki (  I'd like to make it
possible to reach that file again, as,
and I'm currently a bit stuck.

I've recently been asking for that file and found something somewhere (IIRC, it was Google's Cache...). I've no idea how up to date these instructions are and haven't tried them myself, yet.

Anyway, below is what I found for bb-howto.txt.



Setting up a monotone buildbot

1) Create a new user to run the builds (very important):

On debian this is:

# adduser --disabled-login --disabled-password mtbuildbot

On gentoo it is:

# adduser -s /bin/false -d /home/mtbuildbot -m mtbuildbot

Other systems, I don't know, probably something like the above.

2) Install the necessary files into the new user's home directory:

# cd ~mtbuildbot
# wget
# tar xvjf monotone-buildbot-2.tar.bz2

3) Install Twisted.  You can use a package, or just drop it into the
   home directory directly:

# wget
# tar xvjf Twisted_NoDocs-1.3.0.tar.bz2

3) Install a monotone binary into the new user's home directory; this
   is better than using the system-installed one, because it means
   that you don't have to worry about accidentally breaking the
   buildbot when upgrading.  (On the other hand, it also means that
   whenever the netsync server protocol changes, you'll have to
   upgrade the copy of monotone installed here.)

# cp /path/to/working/monotone monotone

You should let me know where the binary you want to use is located,
since the path to the binary has to be set on the server side.

4) Create a buildbot instance:

$ PATH=$HOME/Twisted-1.3.0/bin:$PATH PYTHONPATH=$HOME/monotone-buildbot:$HOME/Twisted-1.3.0 monotone-buildbot/bin/buildbot slave slave-dir <NAME> <PASSWORD>

(replacing <NAME> and <PASSWORD> by the name of this slave and the
password that it was assigned).  Note that you MUST run this command
as the buildbot user you have created.

5) Install runit, or apt-get install runit or

6) Create a file called ~mtbuildbot/run:

export PATH=$HOME/Twisted-1.3.0/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/monotone-buildbot:$HOME/Twisted-1.3.0
cd $HOME/slave-dir
exec nice twistd --nodaemon --no_save -y buildbot.tac -l twistd.log

and make it executable.  (If you're on win32, you may need to add a
--reactor=win32 argument to that command line.  But then, you're
probably not using runit in that case anyway, I guess...)

7) Make sure that permissions are correct.  The mtbuildbot user needs
   write access to slave-dir, and should not have write access to
   anything else.

8) Set up the slave to be automatically started at boot:

# echo '@reboot runsv .' | su mtbuildbot -c 'crontab -e -'

9) Start the slave now:

# su mtbuildbot -c 'runsv .' &

10) Check slave-dir/twistd.log to see it starting up and check for

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