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Re: [Monotone-devel] RFC: Restricting app_state to commands

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] RFC: Restricting app_state to commands
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2007 19:38:40 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070329)


Zack Weinberg wrote:
So okay, we have to do it to the database, why generalize to
everything else?  For clarity, "everything else" is the lua hooks, the
options, the workspace, the ssh-agent connection, the project, and the
keystore.  For the workspace, keystore, and agent, a similar argument
to the database applies: we would like to be explicit about which
operations use them and which do not, and it may also make sense to be
explicit about whether the operation may write to the object (note in
particular that we have *no* keystore locking right now).  For the
rest of it, I have two rationales: (1) it will enable further
reductions in which headers are exposed in which source files
(currently any number of places need to read app_state.hh just so they
can get at the one or two subcomponents of the structure that they
need - and it's common for this to be just the lua hooks, or just one
or two options), (2) it will be easier to implement a general policy
of "never pass an app_state reference" than to pull individual
sub-objects out of the app_state one at a time.


Hm.. I like the idea of ripping out some stuff from the app_state, but getting rid of app_state completely... I don't know. Of course the single functions often only need one or two things from app_state, in a complete calling path, thing sum up quickly.

Have a look at for example, the function itself already needs all of the following:
           needs: app.opts

And unfortunately it's not one of the top level functions, no, it's quite a low-level one. One calling path to it is, for example:

  -> cert_revision_in_branch()
    -> put_simple_revision_cert()
      -> make_simple_cert()
        -> calculate_cert()
          -> make_signature()

So it's called from project_t and the functions in between certainly need the database. The only thing we do not need in that path is the workspace.

Anyway, I would also really like to get a better separation. I have started with (partly) ripping out the database from app_state and passing only that where possible.

Probably we can combine app.signers, app.verifiers and the key_store?

Maybe combine certain options and lua hooks with the appropriate objects (workspace, database, key_store and project), where they are used?

file              .ii      .s

total          -73655 -167042

How do you count that stuff? Is there a script? Or a makefile target or something?



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