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[Monotone-devel] Changes in nvm.basic_io.inventory

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Changes in nvm.basic_io.inventory
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 17:21:23 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)

Hi all!

I just pushed 0472d09c092424674bae4acfced5c51dc51de408 which drops the file ids and rather displays old and new path of an item together with a status string. Example output:

$ mtn automate inventory
    path ""
old_type "directory"
new_type "directory"
 fs_type "none"
  status "missing"

    path "blubba"
old_type "file"
new_type "file"
 fs_type "file"
  status "known"

    path "foooo"
old_type "file"
new_path "newdir/foooo"
 fs_type "none"
  status "renamed"

    path "newdir"
old_type "directory"
new_type "directory"
 fs_type "directory"
  status "known"

    path "newdir/foooo"
new_type "file"
old_path "foooo"
 fs_type "file"
  status "renamed" "known"

Here, the file "foooo" has been renamed/moved to "newdir/foooo". Both nodes show the "renamed" status as well as the corresponding old_path and new_path. Note that new_path and old_path are actually only outputted if a rename is found, if not, these are simply omitted to dense the total amount of output bytes.

However, there is a bug in the current format I'm unsure how to fix: if inventory is restricted to newdir/, newdir/foooo's state is outputted wrongly as "added" as well as there is no "foooo" node:

$ mtn automate inventory newdir
    path "newdir"
old_type "directory"
new_type "directory"
 fs_type "directory"
  status "known"

    path "newdir/foooo"
new_type "file"
 fs_type "file"
  status "added" "known"

On the other hand, depth-restricting the root directory produces similar false results by omitting newdir/foooo:

$ mtn automate inventory --depth 0
    path ""
old_type "directory"
new_type "directory"
 fs_type "none"
  status "missing"

    path "blubba"
old_type "file"
new_type "file"
 fs_type "file"
  status "known"

    path "foooo"
old_type "file"
 fs_type "none"
  status "dropped"

    path "newdir"
old_type "directory"
new_type "directory"
 fs_type "directory"
  status "known"

All this is actually not a bug in the recently committed code, but rather a bug in the restrictions code.

Apart from that, the following open bugs/things to implement for inventory remain:

a) The "" (root) node is outputted as fs_type "none" and status "missing", this is clearly not true, but on the other hand the root node is a special node, so we might find some special workaround here to either omit it or output it differently? (I.e. the only thing that can actually happen to a workspace' root node is that it is renamed by pivot_root'ing or attributes are attached to it; all other things just don't make sense for it, unless I forgot something)

b) Currently, my new code seems to produce a bit irritating output when it comes to cyclic renames:

    path "blubba"
old_type "file"
new_path "foooo"
new_type "file"
old_path "foooo"
 fs_type "file"
  status "renamed" "known"

    path "foooo"
old_type "file"
new_path "blubba"
new_type "file"
old_path "blubba"
 fs_type "file"
  status "renamed" "known"

Here, blubba and foooo are swapped, but you can't easily determine that from scanning over it, because both paths, old_path and new_path, are equal for each item, but of course point to the correct nodes for the respective roster.

c) Since this has been requested alot recently, we need to implement some option to hide unknown and/or ignored files from inventory's output to speed up the whole thing for people who're calling this very often on very big workspaces.


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