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Re: [Monotone-devel] partial pull #3 - calling conventions

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] partial pull #3 - calling conventions
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 13:57:18 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)

Markus Schiltknecht schrieb:
The thing is, knowing these revision id's does not really solve the problem. If we allow the automate commands to spit out all the rev ids within a gap, it still outputs revision ids which are not in the repository.

The question is: Do we care if automate commands spit out those revision ids or not? Shouldn't this be up to the user / client since he knows best what to do with such a revision id?

We could also add an option "--no-sentinal-revs" to most of these commands to be able to filter them out quickly in case we're not interested in a complete graph without gaps.

A 'mtn automate get_revision $REVID' on such a rev id will fail.
Except you are going into a completely different direction: adding another revision format, which could include these gaps. Then 'mtn automate get_revision $REVID' would for example show:

format_version "2"

type "sentinel"

new_manifest [74c1f552e0b36503edd20164a8c6cc8601010470]

height_covered "206"

revision_sentineled [0010f6d6eb621cf5eea7b73676c17295ed6961cd]

revision_sentineled [001371a4c101b5064480ccf32cdb16563c9ba6a9]

revision_sentineled [0018767555f7e2d2fe8d3b50ff3ad2a54f6d4783]

revision_sentineled [0031892be77daf402965c25394423fe54e499d1a]

revision_sentineled [003687b087a1f4358d2caa795645b45cb6cf3d1e]

revision_sentineled [005684f8690d9c68d4177fcd73baec282ce69da4]

old_revision [3c3ae55c27f65ea303e1d173ab1f2f29756c6571]

patch "po/es.po"
 from [e17da89bc930cbce44e2df811099abe83f2481b9]
   to [a9c75b19107f35c8aef74870873c03b88289f6f2]

Thinking a bit more on this I tend to say that its completly impractical to introduce another revision format. At first I assumed that something like

format_version "1"

new_manifest []

old_revision [0010f6d6eb621cf5eea7b73676c17295ed6961cd]

would be enough to define a sentinel revision (the empty new_manifest stanza could be used as flag), but then I realized that two sentinal childs of one and the same revision would lead to the same pseudo revision and therefor couldn't be distinguished textually. But your approach (obviously I don't understand why you list all these revision_sentineled stanzas) doesn't seem to be better for another reason:

We always assume that a revision_id is the sha1 hash of the revision text behind it. If we now introduce a "pseudo format" for a gap revision we'd effectively have to change the revision_id of that revision so the revision is valid after all and therefor also have to change all descendant revisions as well, _each time_ we pull a bit more history. I don't think this is practical. What could a gap revision text tell us after all if we don't want to pull the revision's text beforehand as well? We just have the history relations, and that's all. To get this info, people could just call automate parents|children|graph|ancestors|descendents.

So, in the end I'm for just issueing an error if get_revision is called for a gap revision.


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