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[Monotone-devel] Buildbot notification hooks

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Buildbot notification hooks
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:09:50 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070329)


the buildbot notification thing was itching me for some dubious reason (and motivated by Richard setting up the new buildbot), so I've quickly hacked together some lua functions. It's my first time with lua, so I'd be happy if somebody could recheck. You'll find the hooks in the monotone source, file: contrib/monotone-buildbot-notification.lua

At least on my local installation, monotone was able to notify the buildbot server upon receiving a revision via netsync. I didn't test commits, but I think that's of less interest anyway.

Trying to set that up, I've stumbled across another configuration issue with the buildbot. I didn't correctly specify the branch name for the scheduler. In the master.cfg you, Richard, posted yesterday, the branchname is missing at the same spot. If you want to use the notification hooks, turn that scheduler config into:

c['schedulers'].append(Scheduler(name="all", branch="net.venge.monotone",     # 
<-- branchname must not be None!

And, as you pointed out, apply the PBChangeSource, instead of the MonotoneSource:

from buildbot.changes.pb import PBChangeSource
c['sources'] = [PBChangeSource()]

I'm not quite sure about the security implications of the PBChangeSource. I didn't have to specify a password on the `buildbot sendchange` command, thus I suspect everybody can send pretty arbitrary changes. AFAICT, the buildbot website states that setting a password is not implemented, yet. :-(



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