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Re: [Monotone-devel] mtn: error: sqlite error: database is locked

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] mtn: error: sqlite error: database is locked
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 14:33:08 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20071008)

Hi Zack,

Zack Weinberg wrote:
1) Take the 'db' member out of class app_state.  A database object
should be allocated on the stack by each CMD() function that actually
needs it, and passed down to all underlying layers as a function
argument.  At this stage it would also be good to refactor the
database object using the pointer-to-opaque idiom, so that none of its
instance variables are visible.

This is mostly done in n.v.m.experiment.encapsulation. Unfortunately I didn't merge for a while and there are multiple conflicts.

2) Split class database into class ro_database and class rw_database,
the former exposing only those member functions that do read-only
database operations.  Adjust all CMD functions to create the
appropriate one for what they do; adjust lower layer function
prototypes to request the one they need.  rw_database should be a
subclass of ro_database so that it's an acceptable argument to
functions that take ro_database.

I once tried that, but I'm unsure how well that fits. Lots of commands unexpectedly write to the database, and be it only setting the default database path or branch.

As Alvaro pointed out downthread, it's a pretty SQLite-like view on a database, which monotone is suffering already anyway. Instead of hacking around limitations of SQLite, I'd rather vote for a more generally usable SQL interface.

3) Change transaction_guard so that it takes out a read lock if
created from a ro_database.  Change the "unlocked" sql execute
functions to do the same.

Again, this only applies to SQLite. For any kind of a real database (i.e. which supports concurrently writing transactions), you should rather be able to cope with serialization failures from the database and try to reapply your transaction.

As conflicts can safely be expected to be very rare, we should better go that optimistic way, instead of the trying to manually do more fine grained locking (pessimistic) on top of SQLite.

Thus, instead of a ro_database and a rw_database class, which can by design only serve SQLite, I'm rather voting for a unified database interface.

4) It may be necessary to make changes to sqlite so that it opens the
database file read-only, and uses shared file locks, if it's only
being asked to do read operations.

Doesn't SQLite already support that?



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