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[Monotone-devel] discrepancy between behaviour and tutorial.

From: hendrik
Subject: [Monotone-devel] discrepancy between behaviour and tutorial.
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 14:00:15 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

In the tutorial, Jim tells monotone to add these files to its record of 
his workspace. He specifies one filename and one directory; monotone 
recursively scans the directory and adds all its files. 
     $ mtn add include/jb.h src
     mtn: adding include/jb.h to workspace manifest
     mtn: adding src/apple.c to workspace manifest
     mtn: adding src/banana.c to workspace manifest

But when I did this, the recursion appeared to be absent.  I added two 

address@hidden:~/dv/lang/a68h/workspace-1974$ mtn add test src
mtn: adding src to workspace manifest
mtn: adding test to workspace manifest

Indeed, looking at _MTN/revision afterward showed me only directories:

address@hidden:~/dv/lang/a68h/workspace-1974$ cat _MTN/revision
format_version "1"

new_manifest [0000000000000000000000000000000000000002]

old_revision []

add_dir ""

add_dir "src"

add_dir "test"

Presumably the recursion feature is no longer in the system, or has new 
notation.  THe tutorial should reflect this.

I'm reading the tutorial from

and version 0.40 of monotone:

address@hidden:~/dv/lang/a68h/workspace-1974$ mtn --version
monotone 0.40 (base revision: 5ccc279f9dea0444b47f03dd5291ecc985fcb7f6)


It isn't hard to figure out how add the nested files, though:

address@hidden:~/dv/lang/a68h/workspace-1974$ mtn add test/a*
mtn: adding test/a68.test to workspace manifest
mtn: adding test/aa.tests to workspace manifest
mtn: adding test/ab.tests to workspace manifest
address@hidden:~/dv/lang/a68h/workspace-1974$ mtn add src/*
mtn: adding src/a68h.alw to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/doc.fmt to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/grammar to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/osread.asm to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/ to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/readline.asm to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/tables.mlvrn to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/tables.parse to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/tables.smbl to workspace manifest
mtn: adding src/tables.strop to workspace manifest

So you see, there were more contents to add.

-- hendrik

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