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Re: [Monotone-devel] Concerns about the net.venge.monotone.stripped bran

From: Richard Levitte
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Concerns about the net.venge.monotone.stripped branch
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:17:34 +0200 (CEST)

In the same vein, the code to display the versions of SQLite, Botan
and so on might be misleading in a shared library environment.  Maybe
it should display both the versions it was compiled against and the
versions it's running against (if that's possible to find out, which
isn't always a given).


In message <address@hidden> on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:12:01 +0200 (CEST), Richard 
Levitte <address@hidden> said:

richard> Hello,
richard> I've been watching the development of the net.venge.monotone.stripped
richard> branch for a bit, and I'm starting to notice some dependencies that I
richard> find concerning.
richard> Just a moment ago, I saw a change that made the montone code depend on
richard> the version of SQLITE as described by a C macro.  That's fine and
richard> dandy provided you link monotone with the static library, but what
richard> happens if it's linked with the shared library and then moved to
richard> another machine with a more modern (or even slightly older!) version
richard> of SQLite?
richard> The hex function that was just defined might already exist on a target
richard> machine that has SQLite 3.3.14, but monotone would still try to inject
richard> its own version if it was built on a machine that has SQLite 3.3.12.
richard> I don't know how SQLite handles such cases, but I do know that not
richard> paying attention to that kind of thing have and still can lead to
richard> problems.
richard> Cheers,
richard> Richard
richard> -- 
richard> Richard Levitte                         address@hidden
richard> "Life is a tremendous celebration - and I'm invited!"
richard> -- from a friend's blog, translated from Swedish
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