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[Monotone-devel] Possible bug in `mtn log`?

From: Marcin W. Dąbrowski
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Possible bug in `mtn log`?
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 19:15:47 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pl; rv: Gecko/20100608 Mnenhy/0.8.3 Thunderbird/3.1


Today I hit something weird, when trying to see the history of one
of the files in my repository - `mtn log filename.ext` is showing
logs for other files than 'filename.ext'.

I tried to find minimal case, and running the sequence you can see
presented below hits the "bug" - or to say this in other words —
it shows not exactly the information I'd like to see.

mtn -d db init
mtn -d setup . -b mtn.bug.log

echo x> example.txt
mtn add example.txt
mtn ci -m "Added new file."

mkdir sec
cd sec
mtn -d ../ setup . -b mtn.bug.sec

echo y> second.txt
mtn add second.txt
mtn ci -m "Added new file, second branch." -b mtn.bug.sec

cd ..
mtn up -r h: -b mtn.bug.log
rm -rf sec
mtn merge_into_dir --update -m "merge_into_dir src" mtn.bug.sec
mtn.bug.log sec

cd sec
mtn log --no-merges second.txt

I see two changelogs printed. I don't know why I see the changelog
for example.txt, nor why the order is chronological (normally it
should be reverse chronology - usually it is).

So - is this by design (no, really?), or a bug?

PS:  mtn version --full gives
monotone 0.48 (base revision:
Running on          : Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 (5.1, build 2600,
Service Pack 3) on ia32 (level 6, rev 3846)

Marcin W. Dabrowski

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