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[moz-bonobo-list] lumiere with mozilla-bonobo

From: K.
Subject: [moz-bonobo-list] lumiere with mozilla-bonobo
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 18:05:22 +0100

Hello people,

I am the author of lumiere (

Lumiere acts like Galeon, some kind of BonoboUniqueApplication and can
export itself as a bonobo control, I thought of giving it a try with
this plugin.

Well, it works! so I can use it in mozilla or Galeon no problem. Thanks
for this, still I had to do a minor change here:

(This is the latest release -0.4.0- not the CVS)

line 159 of mozilla-bonobo-viewer.c:

bcontrol = bonobo_control_frame_get_control(control_frame);

ps = Bonobo_Unknown_queryInterface(bcontrol,
"IDL:Bonobo/PersistStream:1.0", &ev);

if (TRUE){    //BONOBO_EX(&ev)) {

Hey, this was just for testing!
I don't know what happens, my control does not implement persiststream,
it should then go inside the if statement, but it did not. Don't know
what's wrong.

Just another question, why not check the supported url schemes of the
control so that even with persistfile, you just send the url to the
control and it does the job itself (any control using gnomevfs should be
able to do that). Maybe this is a mozilla limitation.

Anyway thanks a lot for the work, this is a great way of making Gnome
even more coherent.

PS: don't try with lumiere 0.4, the app has undergone major changes the
CVS should compile and run but I am not ready for release yet.

>>>>>  el greco  <<<<<<
Stéphane K. -----> 

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