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Re: [Nano-devel] WIP improvement for the website

From: Michael Siegel
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] WIP improvement for the website
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 22:29:51 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.5.1

Am 31.03.19 um 21:03 schrieb Devin Hussey:

> What do you think?

I'm just a random Nano user, but here's what I think:

The first improvement that should be made to the site is to fix the
errors in the markup[1], starting with the doctype declaration.

Adjusting the header to use the same font as the navigation bar, use the
whole width and have no top margin (as you did) is also a good idea.

Maybe the table-based layout could be replaced by a box-model-based one
at some point.


> With some CSS and JavaScript

I don't see why Nano's website should depend on Javascript in any capacity.

>  - Those shortcuts at the bottom? __They now actually work.__

They only work with Javascript enabled. Additionally, they conflict with
the standard key bindings in quite some browsers. I've tested this in
Firefox. Really, anything that takes you to another page when you hit
Ctrl+C is not sane.

>  - The title bar stays at the top, the help bar stays at the bottom.

What's the merit?

>  - Things are a little prettier. I haven't changed the body, but I
> tried to use a better font and stuff.

“Stuff” obviously includes removing the horizontal rule above the
navigation bar and removing the underlinings from the navigation links.

I don't have a strong opinion on the <hr>, but links should better be


[1] See, e.g.,

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