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Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Pets

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Pets
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 02:08:08 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Faux_Pseudo <address@hidden> writes:

> --<-(Shawn Betts <address@hidden> leyos tos loyos emiv apo O epistol)->--
> > With the current source, there isn't. I coded up a hack to add a new
> > face: nethack-pet-face. But I'm not sure that's the Right Way. The
> > other way is to add an inverse field but that messes things up as far
> > as faces are concerned since we'd need another 16 inverse faces and
> > they might get out of sync with the other ones.
> > 
> > What do you think Ryan?
> > 
> Sorry it has takin so long for me to reply to this one.  I was waiting
> to see if this would get into the main relase before I actually used
> it.  And then I got busy holding my company hostage and dealing with
> all of the fun things that moving requires.  
> Has anyone used the patch?  How is it working.  I will have some spare
> time later this week to try it out myself regardless of the offical
> releases.

Okay, I've patched the source, but in a slightly different way is a
SEMI hack. But I think it works pretty well. Here's how it works:

print-glyph now takes an optional argument: special. special includes
certain attributes, including pet. When hilite_pet is turned on then
any glyph with the PET bit set on it is sent to print-glyph with 'pet
being the optional special argument. In this case, print-glyph uses
nethack-pet-face instead of the normal color.

I figured it was clean enough to put in CVS. :)


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