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smtp.gmail.com and nmh

From: Tom R
Subject: smtp.gmail.com and nmh
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 10:03:18 -0500

This non nmh perl approach seems to work for me:

   smtp-cli \
       --verbose \
       --host smtp.gmail.com:587 \
       --user MYGOOGLE_USERNAME --password XXXXXX \
       --auth \
       --from MYGOOGLE_USERNAME@gmail.com \
       --to SOMEONE@gmail.com \
       --data /tmp/MSG_WITH_HEADERS_AND_BODY

    # See https://github.com/mludvig/smtp-cli

Would someone pls outline an approach I could use to do this with nmh instead
of perl? I'm guessing I would modify the 'send' or 'post' steps somehow?

Normally my email goes out through my sendmail MTA.


I plan to use this for reaching out to new contacts, since at first my email
often end up in peoples' spam folder -- usually their email client can be
educated; also -- adding me to their contacts helps.

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