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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #63962] perms - Performance - Usage of native

From: Hendrik K
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #63962] perms - Performance - Usage of native C++ algorithm helpful
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2023 23:12:49 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #63962 (project octave):

That is great news.
Some support would be very useful as I am not familiar with mercurial to
create patches nor with the C++ software functions as well as the core
development architecture of octave.
So e.g. it appears that native C++ octave functions use the template DEFFUN
using 'doc' for documentation and other <includes> instead of just DEFUN_DLD
Also makefiles and documentation driver files would need to be adapted to
replace perms.m with perms.cc, the directory location for perms.cc needs to be
chosen etc etc.

Some guidance/support of what additional files (see above some points coming
to my mind) need to be changed and how as well as what needs to change within
the current perms.cc when switching from DEFFUN_DLD to DEFFUN would be highly

I attach the current fully working perms.cc DEFFUN_DLD version.


(file #54531)


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: perms.cc                       Size:11 KB


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