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Re: Issue where return doesn't really return to octave prompt

From: jswensen
Subject: Re: Issue where return doesn't really return to octave prompt
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:33:10 -0600
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.2) / FreeBSD-4.10

I just tried a MUCH simpler test case and am seeing the same thing.

Code Used
// Octave Includes

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

        string testString = args(1).string_value();

        return octave_value();

Compile command line
mkoctfile test_func.cc

Octave command line

Quoting "John W. Eaton" <address@hidden>:

On 15-Aug-2005, address@hidden wrote:

| I am having an issue that has me baffled. An apparently small change to code | causes very unexpected results. The following snippet of code shows both the
| case in which the problem does not occur and when it does occur.  Also, the
| error does not occur in Linux or OSX, only in Cygwin.
| DEFUN_DLD(hget,args,,"hget(handle,string)\n\
|  gets a property for the given handle")
| {
| // Works here if uncommented
| //return octave_value();
| //  Get the 'figure' object from the HandleManager
| handle* handlePtr = handle::getHandle( args(0).int_value() );
| // Works here if uncommented
| //return octave_value();
| // Make sure the handle retrieved is a 'handle' object
| if( (handlePtr != NULL) &&
|       (handlePtr->type_id() == handle::static_type_id()) )
| {
|       // Works here if uncommented
|       //return octave_value();
|       string propName = args(1).string_value();
|       // Fails here - never returns to the octave prompt
|       return octave_value();
| }
| else
| {
|       error("handle: The handle id specified does not exist");
| }
| }
| Any suggestions?

Are you sure the string_value function returns?



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