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Re: [OctDev] pkg manager and installing binary files (DLL)

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: [OctDev] pkg manager and installing binary files (DLL)
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 21:35:13 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060921)

Paul Kienzle wrote:

> What happens if you preload the DLL from octave using LoadLibrary before
> calling the oct-file?
> My understanding of Windows is that once the DLL is mapped into the
> process then the loader no longer tries to look for it on disk.  If this
> is correct, then LoadLibrary should work.
> You will have to write your own oct-file wrapper for LoadLibrary to do
> this. You may need a corresponding FreeLibrary call when you are done.

In fact I could compiled fixed.dll into fixed.oct and the problem would
go away. However, then I wouldn't be able to compile another oct-file
that uses the fixed type. I'm unsure how windows compilation in fact
works, but it seems it needs access to the DLL as the compile time
rather than at the link stage which is the cause of all the issues. At
least I couldn't compile the oct-files in the example directory without
access to the DLL.

Rather than use LoadLibrary, it might be possible to create a DLL that
is only there for the compilation of the external oct-files and just
compile the DLL into fixed.oct. If LoadLibrary in fixed.oct is
sufficient, then I don't see why compiling it in wouldn't be enough.

The fact is I don't know how much I care about all of this, as under
linux I have no such issues, and so a simple solution tempts me even if
it reduces functionality..


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