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Re: XMLToolbox 0.3

From: Alois Schloegl
Subject: Re: XMLToolbox 0.3
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 21:57:24 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070329)

Hello list,

I'm happy to announce the release of XMLToolbox 0.3 aka 'Dump it all', a
GEODISE-like suite of XML tools for GNU Octave. For further information see
the initial draft at the octave wiki (http://wiki.octave
.org/wiki.pl?XMLToolboxPort) <http://wiki.octave.org/wiki.pl?XMLToolboxPort>,
you might also check out the project homepage at Sourceforge (
http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave-xmltools/). The current release is
available for download, also CVS access is possible.

The toolbox should be able to dump all variables to XML (either type-safe or
generic, whereas generic XML supports construction using the keyworks
'ATTRIBUTE' and 'CONTENT'). Reading is only supported for the type-safe XML
format (containing special attributes).

The master plan is to get this project feature complete (support for reading
any XML is left open for now, performance enhancements), test it and maybe
get it into octave-forge ;)

kind regards,

Hello Tom,

Here is some feedback on your XMLToolbox 0.3. I was able to install it without much hazzles (using Debian Etch and installed libxerces27-dev). Besides running make (as described by readme.txt), I had to copy the liboctavexml.o and liboctavexml.so into /lib/. Maybe, this (or an alternative solution) should be mentioned in readme.txt, too.

Then, running "make runtests" started octave with this warning
Parsing this format is not supported (yet).
warning: function name `runtests' does not agree with function file name `/home/schloegl/matlab/other/octave_xmltoolbox/test/runtests.m'
xml toolbox functional tests
testing xml_format
testing xml_save
testing xml_load
testing xml_parse

I did not investigate, why this warning occurred, I just ignored it.

Next, I tried to test it on the example file '2003-12 Schema/example/Example aECG.xml' in this zip.file:

and got the following results:

octave2.1:3> fn = '/home/schloegl/projects/scphl7aecg/2003-12 Schema/example/Example aECG.xml';
octave2.1:4> fid =fopen(fn,'r');
octave2.1:5> s = char(fread(fid,[1,inf],'char'));
octave2.1:6> fclose(fid);
octave2.1:7> H2 = xml_parseany(s);
Parsing this format is not supported (yet).

xml_parse and xml_load result in a segmentation fault of Octave, each.

octave2.1:6> H3 = xml_parse(s);
octave2.1:8> H1 = xml_load(fn);
warning: An exception occurred! Type:RuntimeException, Message:Warning: The primary document entity could not be opened. Id=../schema/PORT_MT020001.xsd at line: 0
error: Exception while parsing
panic: Segmentation fault -- stopping myself...
attempting to save variables to `octave-core'...
save to `octave-core' complete
Segmentation fault

Of course, I'm curious what the problem is, and whether there is a solution.

Viele GrĂ¼sse,

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