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Fwd: psylab

From: Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso
Subject: Fwd: psylab
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 14:18:55 -0500

Psylab is a set of Matlab scripts for psychoacoustics:


It recently came up in the debian-science mailing list. I'm not
personally interested in the field, just in getting the code running.
I've glanced at it, and most of it seems 2.9-compatible. The struct
concerns below seem to not be an issue. I think the only problem would
be sound output.

I have no idea what kind of coding sound output would require. There
doesn't seem to be anything of the sort yet in main Octave or in the
'forge packages. I don't even know how to code something like that
portably across architectures.

I'd just like to hear your ideas on the matter. Can we make Octave sing?

- Jordi G. H.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin Hansen <address@hidden>
Date: 22-Jun-2007 11:21
Subject: Re: Downloaded psylab
To: Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso <address@hidden>

Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso wrote:
My intended use is simply to see if I can make it run under Octave and
modify it accordingly if I can't. I haven't done anything with it yet,
just downloaded it. I have no personal interest in psychoacoustics,
just in getting code running in Octave.

- Jordi G. H.

Dear Jordi,

that sounds extremely interesting to me and I would like to know about
any success that you acchieve!  Maybe we could cooperate?!

I would like to let you know about my expectation where the problems
could be:
- All plotting will need a modification.  A wrapper function which
  would take the same input arguments and forwards/translates them
  appropriately to either matlabs or octaves plot routines might solve
  the problem?
-  sound output?  psylab uses Matlabs  "standard" function 'sound' for
  outputting the stimulus.  All different stimulus parts are first just
  concantenated, after each other, into one single vector called
  "m_outsig".  And that vector is played via   msound(m_outsig, fs);

  I have a mex-file for sound output from Matlab, using the PortAudio
  routines.  Currently, this is not part of psylab.  But if sound
  output is a problem in octave and if something like mex-files exists
  for octave, then that file might be useful in octave, too, and under
  different OS?

-  The rest of psylab, e.g. data storage and algorithms, is
  computationally simple.
  I don't see a problem, unless struct variables are handled
  differently.  I am not aware how structs are used in octave at the
  moment - I didn't use octave for quite some time now.

Kind regards,

P.S. I will be away from my email next week.  I am looking forward to
your reply.

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