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Re: How to launch Octave with its GUI ?

From: John Swensen
Subject: Re: How to launch Octave with its GUI ?
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 22:59:59 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070716)

Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
Moving this discussion to the dev list...

On 30/07/07, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
On 30-Jul-2007, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:

| QtOctave looks like a really promising GUI, now that Octave
| Workshop is seemingly abandoned (and it was Windows-only, blah).

I just installed it from the Debian package,

Woohoo. :-)

and although it puts up a window showing the Octave prompt and
output, it seems to interact with Octave by gathering input in a
text box and then sending it to an Octave subprocess.  So you are
not really typing at the Octave prompt, and Octave's readline and
history mechanism is not working.  Is that correct?

Oy. I only very briefly actually used it. I spent more time fighting
its build process to make it work with Debian, but yes. It looks like
you're entirely correct. I hadn't noticed this. Drawback indeed.

Instead, I think the GUI needs to have Octave running in a way that
will allow the command editing and history to work normally.  I
posted about this before, and provided some example code showing how
this can be done with gtk on systems that have pthreads:


I see... I read your comments. Looks like a complicated issue.

Is there nothing similar for Qt?

I'm sure there is. I'm just learning Qt right now. :-)

Matter of fact, I had a question about this in general, interacting
with Octave. I'm thinking about getting a proper debugger for Octave
scripts. Are pthreads the way to interact with Octave? I have no idea
what they are, or if there's a better method.

- Jordi G. H.

See my patch from http://www.nabble.com/Proposed-patch-for-threadsafe-access-to-octave-internal-data-tf4080964.html No one ever commented on it, so for the time being I am just going to put it in my program and register for the octave_rl_event_hook() callback to determine when octave is idle at the prompt. Although the debugging portion of the octave_server class is not implemented yet, the function prototypes for interaction between octave debugging internals and an outside user of the octave_server class are in place.

John Swensen

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