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Re: Missing function perl.m

From: Julian Schnidder
Subject: Re: Missing function perl.m
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 01:52:12 +0200

Am 31.03.2008 um 23:36 schrieb John W. Eaton:
On 31-Mar-2008, Julian Schnidder wrote:

| Here is a changeset that implements the perl function in octave.
| perl.m invokes the perl command via a call of system(). A perl
| interpreter with name "perl" is assumed to be present. No security
| checks are performed.

I think you can eliminate the loop by using

  sprintf (" %s", varargin{:})

Good idea, thanks.

  function [output, status] = perl (script = "", varargin = {})

The default aurgument for script is " -e ''" (the perl interpreter executes an empty statement and exits). But I didn'd succeed in setting a deault argument for varargin (syntax error at least in version 3.0.0).

Probably there should be checks to ensure that varargin is a cell
array of character strings (see iscellstr) and to ensure that at least
one argument is provided.

The type (iscellstr) is performed, but still empty command line argument strings are allowed. The argument script needs to be nonempty and a string.

Here is a new changeset.

Kind regards,


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