__HEADER__(`Frequently asked questions about Octave (with answers)')

This is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for Octave users.

We are always looking for new questions (with answers), better answers, or both. Please send suggestions to address@hidden. If you have general questions about Octave, or need help for something that is not covered by the Octave manual or the FAQ, please use the address@hidden mailing list.

This FAQ is intended to supplement, not replace, the Octave manual. Before posting a question to the address@hidden mailing list, you should first check to see if the topic is covered in the manual.

Next: , Previous: Top, Up: Top

1 What is Octave?

Octave is a high-level interactive language, primarily intended for numerical computations that is mostly compatible with Matlab.1

Octave can do arithmetic for real, complex or integer-valued scalars and matrices, solve sets of nonlinear algebraic equations, integrate functions over finite and infinite intervals, and integrate systems of ordinary differential and differential-algebraic equations.

Octave uses the GNU readline library to handle reading and editing input. By default, the line editing commands are similar to the cursor movement commands used by GNU Emacs, and a vi-style line editing interface is also available. At the end of each session, the command history is saved, so that commands entered during previous sessions are not lost.

The Octave distribution includes a 590+ page Texinfo manual. Access to the complete text of the manual is available via the help command at the Octave prompt.

Next: , Up: What is Octave?

1.1 Who develops Octave?

Discussions about writing the software that would eventually become Octave started in about 1988 with James B. Rawlings and John W. Eaton at the University of Texas. John W. Eaton was the original author of Octave, starting full-time development in February 1992. He is still the primary maintainer. The community of users/developers has in addition contributed some code and fuels the discussion on the mailing lists address@hidden (user forum), address@hidden (bug reports), address@hidden (development issues), and address@hidden (all things related to the Octave Forge repository of user-contributed functions).

Next: , Previous: Who develops Octave?, Up: What is Octave?

1.2 Why GNU Octave?

The GNU Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is free software: the GNU system.

GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not Unix”; it is pronounced guh-noo, approximately like canoe.

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Project.

Octave became GNU Octave in 1997 (beginning with version 2.0.6). This meant agreeing to consider Octave a part of the GNU Project and support the efforts of the FSF. However, Octave is not and has never been developed by the FSF.

For more information about the GNU project, see www.gnu.org.

Next: , Previous: Why GNU Octave?, Up: What is Octave?

1.3 What version should I use?

In general, you will find the latest version on http://www.octave.org/download.html. It is recommended to use the “testing” version of octave for general use, and the “development” version if you want the latest features.

A list of user-visible changes since the last release is available in the file NEWS. The file ChangeLog in the source distribution contains a more detailed record of changes made since the last release.

Previous: What version should I use?, Up: What is Octave?

1.4 On what platforms does Octave run?

Octave runs on various Unices—at least Linux and Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows and anything you can compile it on. Binary distributions exist at least for Debian, Suse, Fedora and RedHat Linuxes (Intel and AMD CPUs, at least), for Mac Os X and Windows' 98, 2000 and XP.

Two and three dimensional plotting is fully supported using gnuplot.

The underlying numerical solvers are currently standard Fortran ones like Lapack, Linpack, Odepack, the Blas, etc., packaged in a library of C++ classes. If possible, the Fortran subroutines are compiled with the system's Fortran compiler, and called directly from the C++ functions. If that's not possible, you can still compile Octave if you have the free Fortran to C translator f2c.

Octave is also free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Next: , Previous: What is Octave?, Up: Top

2 How can I cite Octave?

Pointing to http://www.octave.org is good, because that gives people a direct way to find out more. If citation of a URL is not allowed by a publisher, or if you also want to point to a traditional reference, then you can cite the Octave manual:

       author =     "John W. Eaton",
       title =      "GNU Octave Manual",
       publisher =  "Network Theory Limited",
       year =       "2002",
       isbn =       "0-9541617-2-6"

Next: , Previous: How can I cite Octave?, Up: Top

3 What's new in version series 2.9.N and 3.0.N of Octave

The 2.9.N series, started in March 2005, has enough new features to justify a major version number change. The latest version are as stable as the last 2.1.N releases and stability should increase as one gets near version 3.0.

The 2.9.N and 3.0.N series brings

Here are some features that have been around since 2.1.N

Next: , Previous: Series 2.9.N and 3.0.N, Up: Top

4 What features are unique to Octave?

This section refers to Matlab R2007a and Octave 2.9.13.

Next: , Up: Octave Features

4.1 Functions defined on the command-line

Functions can be defined by entering code on the command line, a feature not supported by the other leading brand. For example, you may type:

     octave:1> function s = hello_string (to_who)
     > ## Say hello
     > if nargin<1, to_who = "World"; end
     > s = ["Hello ",\
     >      to_who];
     > endfunction
     octave:2> hello_string ("Moon")
     ans = Hello Moon

Next: , Previous: Functions defined on the command-line, Up: Octave Features

4.2 Comments with #

The pound character, `#', may be used to start comments, in addition to `%'. See the previous example. The major advantage of this is that as `#' is also a comment character for unix script files, any file that starts with a string like `#! /usr/bin/octave -q' will be treated as an octave script and be executed by octave.

Next: , Previous: Comments with #, Up: Octave Features

4.3 Strings delimitted by double quotes "

The double quote, `"', may be used to delimit strings, in addition to the single quote `''. See the previous example. Also, double-quoted strings include backslash interpretation (like C++, C, and Perl) while single quoted are uninterpreted (like Matlab and Perl).

Next: , Previous: Strings delimitted by double quotes ", Up: Octave Features

4.4 Line continuation by backslash

Lines can be continued with a backslash, `\', in addition to three points `...'. See the previous example.

Next: , Previous: Line continuation by backslash, Up: Octave Features

4.5 Informative block closing

You may close function, for, while, if, ... blocks with endfunction, endfor, endwhile, ... keywords in addition to using end. As with Matlab, the end (or endfunction) keyword that marks the end of a function defined in a .m file is optional.

Next: , Previous: Informative block closing, Up: Octave Features

4.6 Coherent syntax

Indexing other things than variables is possible, as in:

     octave:1> [3 1 4 1 5 9](3)
     ans = 4
     octave:2> cos([0 pi pi/4 7])(3)
     ans = 0.70711

Next: , Previous: Coherent syntax, Up: Octave Features

4.7 Exclamation mark as not operator

The exclamation mark '!' (aka “Bang!”) is a negation operator, just like the tilde '~':

     octave:1> if ! strcmp (program_name, "octave"),
     >   "It's an error"
     > else
     >   "It works!"
     > end
     ans = It works!

Next: , Previous: Exclamation mark as not operator, Up: Octave Features

4.8 Increment and decrement operators

If you like the `++', `+=' etc operators, rejoice! Octave includes the C-like increment and decrement operators `++' and `--' in both their prefix and postfix forms, in addition to `+=', `-=', `*=', `/=', `^=', `.*=', `./=', and `.^='.

For example, to pre-increment the variable x, you would write ++x. This would add one to x and then return the new value of x as the result of the expression. It is exactly the same as the expression x = x + 1.

To post-increment a variable x, you would write x++. This adds one to the variable x, but returns the value that x had prior to incrementing it. For example, if x is equal to 2, the result of the expression x++ is 2, and the new value of x is 3.

For matrix and vector arguments, the increment and decrement operators work on each element of the operand.

Next: , Previous: Increment and decrement operators, Up: Octave Features

4.9 Unwind-protect

Octave supports a limited form of exception handling modelled after the unwind-protect form of Lisp. The general form of an unwind_protect block looks like this:


Where body and cleanup are both optional and may contain any Octave expressions or commands. The statements in cleanup are guaranteed to be executed regardless of how control exits body.

The unwind_protect statement is often used to reliably restore the values of global variables that need to be temporarily changed.

Previous: Unwind-protect, Up: Octave Features

4.10 Built-in ODE and DAE solvers

Octave includes LSODE and DASSL for solving systems of stiff ordinary differential and differential-algebraic equations. These functions are built in to the interpreter.

Next: , Previous: Octave Features, Up: Top

5 What documentation exists for Octave?

Next: , Up: Learning more about Octave

5.1 What documentation exists for Octave?

The Octave distribution includes a 590+ page manual that is also distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. It is available on the web at http://www.octave.org/docs.html and you will also find there instructions on how to order a paper version.

The complete text of the Octave manual is also available using the GNU Info system via the GNU Emacs, info, or xinfo programs, or by using the `help -i' command to start the GNU info browser directly from the Octave prompt.

If you have problems using this documentation, or find that some topic is not adequately explained, indexed, or cross-referenced, please send a bug report to address@hidden.

Next: , Previous: Documentation, Up: Learning more about Octave

5.2 Getting additional help

If you can't find an answer to your question, the address@hidden mailing list is available for questions related to using, installing, and porting Octave that are not adequately answered by the Octave manual or by this document.

Next: , Previous: Getting additional help, Up: Learning more about Octave

5.3 User community

To subscribe to the list, go to www.octave.org/archive.html and follow the link to the subscription page for the list.

Please do not send requests to be added or removed from the mailing list, or other administrative trivia to the list itself.

An archive of old postings to the help-octave mailing list is maintained on http://www.octave.org/archive.html.

You will also find some user advice and code spread over the web. Good starting points are the Octave Wiki http://wiki.octave.org and Octave-Forge http://octave.sourceforge.net

Previous: User community, Up: Learning more about Octave

5.4 I think I have found a bug in Octave.

“I think I have found a bug in Octave, but I'm not sure. How do I know, and who should I tell?”

First, see the section on bugs and bug reports in the Octave manual. When you report a bug, make sure to describe the type of computer you are using, the version of the operating system it is running, and the version of Octave that you are using. Also provide enough code so that the Octave maintainers can duplicate your bug.

If you have Octave working at all, the easiest way to do this is to use the Octave function bug_report. When you execute this function, Octave will prompt you for a subject and then invoke the editor on a file that already contains all the configuration information. When you exit the editor, Octave will mail the bug report for you (in a unix-like operating system).

If for some reason you cannot use Octave's bug_report function, mail your bug report to address@hidden. Your message needs to include enough information to allow the maintainers of Octave to fix the bug. Please read the section on bugs and bug reports in the Octave manual for a list of things that should be included in every bug report.

Next: , Previous: Learning more about Octave, Up: Top

6 Getting Octave

Next: , Up: Getting Octave

6.1 Source code

Source code is available on the Octave development site, where you are sure to get the latest version.

Since Octave is distrubted under the terms of the GPL, you can get Octave from a friend who has a copy, by anonymous FTP, or by ordering a tape or CD-ROM from the Free Software Foundation (FSF).

Next: , Previous: Source code, Up: Getting Octave

6.2 Pre-compiled binary packages

The Octave project does not distribute binary packages, but other projects do. For an up-to-date listing of packagers, see:

As of today, Octave binaries are available at least on Debian, RedHat, Suse and Fedora Linuxes, Mac OS X, Windows' 98, 2000 and XP.

Previous: Pre-compiled binary packages, Up: Getting Octave

6.3 How do I get a copy of Octave for (some other platform)?

Octave currently runs on Unix-like systems, Mac OS X, and Windows. It should be possible to make Octave work on other systems as well. If you are interested in porting Octave to other systems, please contact address@hidden.

Next: , Previous: Getting Octave, Up: Top

7 Installation Issues and Problems

Octave 2.9.N and 3.0 require approximately 800MB of disk storage to unpack and compile from source (considerably less if you don't compile with debugging symbols). Once installed, Octave requires approximately 200MB of disk space (again, considerably less if you don't compile with debugging symbols).

Next: , Up: Installation

7.1 What else do I need?

To compile Octave, you will need a recent version of GNU Make. You will also need GCC 3.3 or later, although GCC 4.1 or later is recommended.

You must have GNU Make to compile octave. Octave's Makefiles use features of GNU Make that are not present in other versions of make. GNU Make is very portable and easy to install.

Previous: What else do I need?, Up: Installation

7.2 Can I compile Octave with another C++ compiler?

Yes, but development is done primarily with GCC, so you may hit some incompatibilities. Octave is intended to be portable to any standard conforming compiler. If you have difficulties that you think are bugs, please report them to the address@hidden mailing list, or ask for help on the address@hidden mailing list.

Next: , Previous: Installation, Up: Top

8 Common problems

This list is probably far too short. Feel free to suggest additional questions (preferably with answers!)

Next: , Previous: Common problems, Up: Top

9 How do I ...?

Up: How do I ...?

9.1 How do I set the number of displayed decimals?

     octave:1> format long
     octave:2> pi
     pi = 3.14159265358979
     octave:3> format short
     octave:4> pi
     pi = 3.1416

Next: , Previous: How do I ...?, Up: Top

10 Porting programs from Matlab to Octave

People often ask

“I wrote some code for Matlab, and I want to get it running under Octave. Is there anything I should watch out for?”

or alternatively

“I wrote some code in Octave, and want to share it with Matlab users. Is there anything I should watch out for?”

which is not quite the same thing. There are still a number of differences between Octave and Matlab, however in general differences between the two are considered as bugs. Octave might consider that the bug is in Matlab and do nothing about it, but generally functionality is almost identical. If you find a difference between Octave behavior and Matlab, then you should send a description of this difference (with code illustrating the difference, if possible) to address@hidden.

Furthermore, Octave adds a few syntactical extensions to Matlab that might cause some issues when exchanging files between Matlab and Octave users. As both Octave and Matlab are under constant development the information in this section is subject to change at anytime.

You should also look at the page http://octave.sourceforge.net/packages.html and http://octave.sourceforge.net/doc/ that has a function reference that is up to date. You can use this function reference to see the number of octave function that are available and their Matlab compatibility.

The major differences between Octave 2.9.N and Matlab R2007a are:

Previous: MATLAB compatibility, Up: Top

Appendix A Concept Index

Table of Contents


[1] Matlab is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
