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Re: Behavior of mldivide in Octave relative to Matlab

From: Jaroslav Hajek
Subject: Re: Behavior of mldivide in Octave relative to Matlab
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 14:50:17 +0200

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 12:57 PM, David Bateman
<address@hidden> wrote:
> I was recently contacted by Marco Caliari in particular concerning the
>  behavior of the mldivide operator in Octave and Matlab for
>  underdetermined systems. He pointed out the thread
>  http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?p=497&;
>  where the behavior of the Matlab mldivide operator is analyzed. It seems
>  that Matlab is not using the LAPACK xGEDLD function like Octave does,
>  but rather a formulation based on the QR factorization. The formulation
>  can be written as
>  m=10; n=20; A = randn(m,n); b=rand(m,1); [Q,R,E]=qr(A);
>  [A\b E(:,1:m)*(R(:,1:m)\(Q'*b))]
>  Result returned by this is not the minimum 2-norm solution, like in
>  Octave but is equally valid. It also appears that the matlab method is
>  faster and uses less memory. Marco points out that values like m=50 and
>  n=20000 in the above will result in an exhaustion of the memory of the
>  machine, whereas Matlab is still capable of returning a result.

While certainly faster, this approach seems to be inferior in other ways.

A numerical question arises: how big can the null space component become,
relative to the minimum-norm solution? Can it be nicely bounded, or can it be
arbitrarily big? Consider this example:

m = 10; n = 10000; A = ones(m,n)+1e-6*randn(m,n); b =
ones(m,1)+1e-6*randn(m,1); norm(A\b)

while Octave's minimum-norm values are around 3e-2, Matlab's results
are 50-times larger.

For another issue, try this code:

 m = 5; n = 100; j = floor(m*rand(1,n))+1; b = ones(m,1); A =
zeros(m,n); A(sub2ind(size(A),j,1:n)) = 1; x = A\b; [dummy,p] =
sort(rand(1,n)); y = A(:,p)\b; norm(x(p)-y)

It shows that unlike in Octave, mldivide in Matlab is not invariant
w.r.t. column permutation
if there are multiple columns of the same norm - i.e. permuting
columns of the matrix gets you different result than ermuting the
solution vector. I bet that many Matlab users would be surprised by
this behaviour.

In my opinion, since \ is often part of a more complex expression,
(where there is no room to react to warnings or flags) it should
prefer intelligence (robustness) to speed, and that speaks for
Octave's implementation.

>  Another issue is what is the result that is returned by Matlab and
>  Octave for singular matrices. Consider a case like
>  A = [eps, 0, -eps; 0, eps, -eps; -eps, 0, 10]; x = A \ ones(3,1)
>  Octave falls back to using xGELSD to solve the matrix in this case
>  whereas as Matlab returns the result based on LU factorization with a
>  warning of its inaccuracy.

This is again the intelligence vs. speed.

>  Should we duplicate Matlab's behavior for the two cases above?

I'd suggest making it an option, and keep Octave's behavior the default.


RNDr. Jaroslav Hajek
computing expert
Aeronautical Research and Test Institute (VZLU)
Prague, Czech Republic
url: www.highegg.matfyz.cz

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