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Re: Merging Octave and Octave-Forge?

From: soren
Subject: Re: Merging Octave and Octave-Forge?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 15:53:30 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.2-RC2)

Quoting Thomas Weber <address@hidden>:
Am Dienstag, den 26.08.2008, 09:01 +0200 schrieb address@hidden:
The problem with a wiki is that we have lots of auto-generated
contents such as the function reference, the doxygen stuff, the manual
(on octave.org), and similar. I'm not sure how well that would fit
into a wiki.

Simply let that stuff outside of the wiki and link to it. If it's
autogenerated, there's no need for people to touch it.

Sure, we can do that, but then I don't get the point of having a wiki.

My main points with the web site is simply:
  * I think it's confusing that we have two web sites.
  * It's more work to maintain two web sites than one.

If the two web sites were merged by creating a wiki, then fine by me. I'm just advocating a merge, not a specific technical solution (although it is highly relevant to figure the technical stuff out).

>>    * The Windows binary at Octave-Forge currently is the de-facto way
>> of getting
>> Octave on Windows. I really think this binary is a great feature, and I >> honestly think it should be hosted at octave.org, and be blessed as the
>>      semi-official way of getting Octave on Windows. I don't
>> know/understand the
>>      Mac situation, as it seems many people are also using Fink.
> How is octave.org's bandwidth? SF, as bad/slow as it may be, has several
> mirrors available.

I think we have access to the GNU mirrors.

Oh, I see that GNU hosts windows binaries. I didn't know that.

Okay, good point :-) But we could easily host the binaries on sourceforge and link directly to them from octave.org, couldn't we?

How do you update the documentation? I don't think you write it by hand,
do you? It's probably part of the Makefile.

Well, you update the documentation by changing the texinfo help text in the specific function (either m-file or cc-file). Then we run a script that extracts all the help texts and generates a whole bunch of html pages. Fairly simple, but also quite time-consuming (it takes about half an hour on my machine to generate the function reference).

It shouldn't be a problem to trigger an update when a new package is

In principle no, but it requires some server-side functionality, that might be hard to get (you need a fairly large build setup to create the web pages).


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