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Re: basic implementation for isosurface, isocolors, isonormals

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: basic implementation for isosurface, isocolors, isonormals
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 16:45:29 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20081018)

Thomas Treichl wrote:
David Bateman schrieb:
Thomas Treichl wrote:
David Bateman schrieb:
I don't think the hiding of the axis is a really major issue though I also see some other artifacts that seem to be due to some weird issue in gnuplot with the depthorder, and I don't see the fix for it at the moment. Also it appears that FaceVertexCdata is not really implemented yet and so these values aren't respected at all. In fact the patch properties have a number of derived properties that should be treated specially, like the differences between the [xyz]data and vertices and faces data.. The derivation of one of these properties from another is currently handled in the patch function itself.. However this doesn't make sense as then if the user uses the "set" function to change one of these properties the others won't be changed appropriately..

The way to fix it is either to treat the issue in the set/get methods of the patch type or to add callbacks in the patch functions.. Callbacks are probably the easiest method as we can stay in the scripting language.. I'll look at this as I'm interested in getting the iso* functions into Octave..


I just wanted to know, what the final maintainers' decision about inclusion of the iso* into the core Octave sources is? I think that I can work on creating a changeset because I don't want these codes get forgotten...

If you say you currently can't decide or you think it is better to not include the files right now or whatever then I think we should at least host Martin's functions at OF right now?
I'm working on rewriting the __patch__ to add listeners such that changes to the {x|y|z|c}data properties also changes the faces, vertices and facevertexcdata properties appropriately. Without this the previous code was buggy and so not of a quality to be included in Octave.. In fact I have most of this going now and hopefully will send something soon (tonight if I'm fast). I also in passing added the trisurf function.

Ah, ok, thanks. And absolutely *don't stress* to make that happen ;)


Ok, well it was a little bit harder than I thought for a few reasons

1) gnuplot's depth order pm3d code only works for a single surface and so a set of patches that need to be depth sorted need to be plotted with a single splot command 2) The gnuplot binary file format doesn't support "index" for splot and so constraint 1) means the data has to be written as ASCII 3) As pm3d uses the color palette, any fixed color patches need to have their color added to the colormap, and then the other things plotted with the colormap need to be treated carefully..

In any case I committed the attached patch that appears to work fine for all the tests I ran with the gnuplot CVS version. One issue I have is with gnuplot 4.2.4 I see the attached for the command "demo('patch',6); colorbar" for the X11 terminal. This appears to be a gnuplot bug as it works for other terminals like png, eps, etc and it works for the CVS version of gnuplot.. Should I care about this bug?


David Bateman                                address@hidden
35 rue Gambetta                              +33 1 46 04 02 18 (Home)
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt FRANCE            +33 6 72 01 06 33 (Mob)

Attachment: patch.isosurface.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

PNG image

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