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conv2 performance

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: conv2 performance
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 10:53:19 -0500

I recieved a complaint that Octave's conv2 function is about 5 times
slower than Matlab's.  By making a few simple changes, I was able to
improve the perfromance some, but not by a factor of 5.  My changes
are here:


On my system, I see the following improvement after these changes:

  > n = 1024; m = 64; x = rand(n,n); k = rand(m,m); tic; y = conv2(x,k); toc

  old: Elapsed time is 26.2576 seconds.
  new: Elapsed time is 13.6104 seconds.


  > n = 1024; m = 512; x = rand(n,1); k = rand(m,1); m = rand (m,n);
  > tic; y = conv2(x,k,m); toc

  old: Elapsed time is 8.53273 seconds.
  new: Elapsed time is 3.27103 seconds.

Maybe there is still room for improvement here.  I would happily use a
free software library with a GPL-compatible license to implement this
function, but I don't know whether one is available.


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