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Re: conv2 performance

From: Michael D. Godfrey
Subject: Re: conv2 performance
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 19:01:26 -0800
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On 3/1/10 10:28 AM, Robert T. Short wrote:
John Swensen wrote:
On Mar 1, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Robert T. Short wrote:

John Swensen wrote:
On Feb 28, 2010, at 10:53 AM, John W. Eaton wrote:

Maybe there is still room for improvement here. I would happily use a
free software library with a GPL-compatible license to implement this
function, but I don't know whether one is available.


I have recently been doing a lot of 2D convolutions. I think the fastest method should not involve loops of any kind. As convolution in the time domain (or spatial domain when considering images) is multiplication in the frequency domain, the fastest method is to take the FFT of both image and kernel, dot-multiply them, then take the inverse FFT. Since the FFT method is usually provided by FFTW, this should be optimized and quite fast. Of course, there has to be some padding that takes place to make sure both 'images' are the same size. I was using Matlab for this computation and the speed improvement of the FFT method over the Matlab-provided conv2 was considerable (100 seconds versus 2 second; I was convolving a 2048x2048 image with a 256x256 kernel).

I think the method is formally called the overlap-add method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlap-add_method). I used a script from MatlabCentral (no flaming please, as I already saw the discussion that has been going on for a week or two). This is the method used for many GPGPU implementations. There is an in-depth description of the best way to do the padding in an NVidia white paper that can be found at http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/sdk/website/projects/convolutionFFT2D/doc/convolutionFFT2D.pdf


Certainly that is a faster way, especially for large convolutions, but I don't think conv or conv2 should do it this way. The straight approach has important uses as well. Overlap/add and overlap/save can also be used when the convolution is over multiple blocks and that would be a useful library function as well, but again I think that should be separate from conv and conv2.


I don't see why it should necessarily be separate, but simply a conditional usage based on the size of the convolutions. Shouldn't should try to implement something that is fast for both small and large convolutions, without the user having to download an extra package? One is already implemented and the other would take a little bit of work.


Sorry I sent that just to John instead of the list.

Personally, I am not in favor of complicated argument lists to decide the algorithm a function should use. I know MATLAB uses this a lot, but I think it obscures the basic simplicity of the function. Look back through the history of conv and conv2 - for such simple functions, you would think that stability would have been achieved long ago, but just a few months ago I submitted a change to conv. Adding more stuff inside will make it worse.

I feel that conv and conv2 should be MATLAB compatible both in form and function - don't add other stuff. Create separate functions for dft-based convolutions (fftconv?). It would be worth adding overlap-add and overlap-save functions as well (I might even have some 1d functions around). I don't know whether this stuff should go in the core either.

I agree with Michael about the MATLAB engineer's analysis being a bit shallow, but I have seen similar analyses. I don't know the real answer though.

BTW, the padding is not just to make the sequences the same size, but (normally) to maintain linear rather than circular convolution. For large images and long impulse responses, this can get pretty yucky.


First, I would like to comment on John's suggestion that an "automatic" switch of algorithms might be good. This is possibly true if it can be made correct in the sense that it is entirely transparent to the user. A key to doing this is to ensure that the differences between step n and n+1 of an iterative set of calls always have the correct sign. An iterative numerical solution algorithm typically uses first differences in a search for extreme values. If the sign changes, an extreme point has been reached.
It takes some care to ensure that the signs only change when they should.
This non-uniformity behavior of algorithms has been a source of serious problems since the beginning of digital computing. It took a while to get even the algorithms for the elementary functions to satisfy the uniform convergence condition (IBM was one of the most prominent offenders -- their sin and cos routines "wiggled" near 0 and pi). We have Kahan to thank for straightening much of this out.

In any case (not necessarily including matlab compatibility) it seems best to provide conv and conv2 (accelerated as much as reasonably possible) and fftconv and fftconv2. Then the user can choose. For most cases which require a large amount of compute time the dimensions will be large enough to justify using fftconv(2) For simple quick computations the difference between the conv(2) and
fftconv(2) will, of course, be very small.


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