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Re: fltk printing

From: Michael D Godfrey
Subject: Re: fltk printing
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 12:16:53 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100621 Fedora/3.0.5-1.fc13 Thunderbird/3.0.5

On 07/20/2010 11:44 AM, Shai Ayal wrote:
The fltk backend can only
produce postscript (although the library we are using, gl2ps can also
produce PDF and latex),
OK, assuming by "postscript" you mean EPS.  In any case,  a
 __ghostscript__print.m script seems right.

As a somewhat related remark:  there seems to be some uncertainty
about BoundingBox in pdf.  Ghostscript, which some view as pretty
"official," does not write a %%BoundingBox into the pdf that it
generates, nor does it appear to write a \BBox.  This has the
effect that pdftex does not accept the pdf using its \includegraphics{}
call.  Do you know if gl2ps handles the BoundingBox information
differently?  Or, do you know the officially correct position about
BoundingBox information in pdf?

I believe that the current pdftex \includegraphics handling is
incorrect, but it is relatively hard to communicate with the texlive/pdftex
folks these days. (They still live in the world where all package information
starts with "download the source tar file and manually configure for
your machine and needs...".)   And, the current release of TexLive is causing
people a lot of problems that are more important than the BoundingBox issue.


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