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Re: texi2dvi fails in faq

From: Michael D Godfrey
Subject: Re: texi2dvi fails in faq
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 13:43:06 -0700
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On 09/29/2010 01:20 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:
Ugh.  Messy.  Simpler to just have --disable-docs...  Especially since
these tools and targets are normally only needed by developers.  If
you download a distributed tarball, you should not have to rebuild the
documentation files.  So do we really need to put a lot of effort into
making this part of the build process tolerant to missing tools?

Seems basically right. But, I will try to think of the simplest way
to make it clear that a missing/inoperable texinfo is the reason
for the ../doc things to fail.  The point of this is to avoid someone
spending time puzzling over why egrep has crashed, for instance.

Maybe a test in the ../doc/interpreter and ../doc/faq makefiles?


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