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Plotting in the GUI

From: Jacob Dawid
Subject: Plotting in the GUI
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 21:59:26 +0200

Hello everybody,

in the last two weeks I have tried to integrate a plotting subsection into Quint. Qt offers a QGLWidget, which handles an OpenGL rendering context itself. Jordi told me in IRC that there has been lots of erffort put into a new fltk rendering backend, which uses OpenGL to plot and is very mighty as of now. What I am interested in is how that plotting backend works (in the sense of an abstract idea or structure) on a code level and where one needs to make cut in order to make use of it. Is it documented somewhere or is there an expert that can give me a rough overview of what's happening there? It's really difficult to grasp the whole from barely staring at thousands of lines of code.


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Step 1. Build it.
Step 2. Pray.

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