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Re: eps function and numerical accuracy

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: eps function and numerical accuracy
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 19:14:49 -0500
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On 07/08/2013 06:41 PM, Nir Krakauer wrote:
As in your example, assert works element-by-element -- i.e. it will
return an error if any two elements in the input arguments differ by
more than the specified tolerance

Well, at first blush it seems that way, but this error:

maximum absolute error 4.44089e-16 exceeds tolerance 2.71333e-166

makes me wonder because the absolute error associated with the first element isn't near that magnitude. That's actually the other end of the vector.

Here is a simple example:

assert([1 2], [0, 0], [1 2])
assert([1 2], [0, 0], [1 1])
error: assert ([1, 2],[0, 0],[1, 1]) expected
   0   0
but got
   1   2
maximum absolute error 2 exceeds tolerance 1maximum absolute error 1 exceeds tolerance
error: called from:
error: /usr/local/src/octave/octave/build-gui-11/../octave/scripts/testfun/assert.m at line 235, column 5

The first test is fine. The second error is correct, but why it is indicating "maximum absolute error 1 exceeds tolerance" I'm not sure... looking at the assert() function:

          if (tol == 0)
            err = any (A != B);
            errtype = "values do not match";
          elseif (tol >= 0)
            err = max (abs (A - B));
            errtype = "maximum absolute error %g exceeds tolerance %g";
            abserr = max (abs (A(B == 0)));
            A = A(B != 0);
            B = B(B != 0);
            relerr = max (abs (A - B) ./ abs (B));
            err = max ([abserr; relerr]);
            errtype = "maximum relative error %g exceeds tolerance %g";
          if (err > abs (tol))
            iserror = 1;
            coda = sprintf (errtype, err, abs (tol));

it looks like "tol" must be a scalar in order to operate sanely. I see now why the error message is coming out so strange when I provide a vector for tol. The sprintf routine prints multiple lines for "tol" vector, even if there is no failure associated with the index in question.

It seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to alter assert(.,.,tol) so that tol can be a vector. Rik (others) do we want to make this change so that we can fine tune tests like binocdf() and the many other similar types of functions?


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