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Shadowing warning on every command for function in +package directory

From: Richard Crozier
Subject: Shadowing warning on every command for function in +package directory
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 09:34:24 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.4.0

Dear All,

I think I have noticed an issue with incorrectly warning about shadowing of function in +package directories in the dev build (I am going to use +package to refer to Matlab style package directories, as opposed to Octave packages).

If I have a function in +package I get a shadowing warning against functions of the same name in the global namespace. In recent builds this is issued on every single command. I have done the following to test this.

create a directory call +testpckg

Created a function file 'inverse.m' in this directory (there is an Octave built-in inverse function). This new function should be in the testpkg namespace and not clash with the built-in.

The directory containing +testpckg is added to the path on startup by running genpath on a higher level directory. I have checked that the directory +testpckg is not in the path, but the directory containing it is.

On startup I get the warning:

warning: function .../mfiles/octave-test/+testpckg/inverse.m shadows a built-in function

This isn't so bad, but as I mentioned, I now also get the same warning with every single command entered at the Octave prompt. On another computer I have a build of Octave which displays the warning once on startup only, so I think this behaviour has changed relatively recently (within a few months).

hg id reports 63374982750b tip @

Is any of this known or should I submit a bug report? Can anyone else reproduce it?



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