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Re: GSL in octave

From: Julien Bect
Subject: Re: GSL in octave
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 11:29:24 +0200
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Le 18/07/2016 à 11:11, Marco Atzeri a écrit :
On 18/07/2016 01:55, Susi Lehtola wrote:
On 07/17/2016 02:02 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
I'm not really familiar with how the add-ons are supposed to work. Does
"pkg build" run configure?

yes, so you should bootstrap before packaging
otherwise configure is not run.

With bootstrap, it builds and  packages fine.

Any reason why the makefiles don't do this..?

No idea. I guess the expected sequence from "pkg build" is configure and than make.

Having make calling bootstrap to create configure seems cumbersome.

Let me try to clarify this again:

1) "pkg build" is not relevant here.  It is used by (some?) downstream packagers to turn a *source package* into a *binary package*.

2) "pkg install" calls configure when building & installing from a source package, but *not* bootstrap.

3) bootstrap has to be called before creating the source tarball, and therefore "pkg" itself has nothing to do with this.

The procedure to create source tarballs in the OF project is described here: http://octave.sourceforge.net/developers.html and it clearly states that bootstrap must be called before creating the source package.

None of this has to be done manually, however, since you can simply use the release Makefile located at the root of the hg repo (not to confused with src/Makefile).  Just run "make dist" or "make release".


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