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Re: profiling Octave

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: profiling Octave
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 15:08:54 -0400
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On 8/12/19 5:08 PM, Rik wrote:

JWE has changed the parser from a pull parser to a push parser (or maybe
the other way around?) over time.  My hunch is that it is not parsing (done
by lex and bison--old, well-established tools), but evaluation that has slowed.

We currently ask bison to generate both push and pull parsers but currently only use the pull parser (the parser calls lex, which calls a function to gather input from the user or a file). We would only use the push parser and lexer if we change the design of the GUI terminal widget as we have discussed previously.

Compared to evaluation, parsing is pretty fast and only happens once when a function or script is first loaded by the interpreter. You can time required to parse a single function or script by doing

  tic, __parse_file__ ("bm_toeplitz.m"), toc

On my system, this reports a time of 0.000945091 seconds.

This is a bit beyond me, but I think so.  I believe Octave constructs a
tree of nodes from the source code and then proceeds to evaluate them.  So
you are correct, if

y = x + 1

generates the same primitive actions
 > 1) create temporary octave_value from scalar 1

The constant is already stored in the parse tree as an octave_value object.

2) fetch x

This should be fairly quick for variables since they are the first thing we look for when resolving symbols.

3) perform operator function plus (x, tmp_value)

Somewhat time consuming because we have to dispatch to the correct addition function based on the types of the values./

4) assign octave_value output to y

Simple assignment to a variable with no index should be the fastest, but there may still be a lot of room for improvement.

between versions, but one version takes longer than another, then the
conclusion must be that the individual steps are taking longer.

We may also be doing more work because we have to handle new features (for example, class dispatch or import declarations when looking for functions). Maybe some of the things we are doing now are unnecessary in many cases but we are doing them always. It's not always easy to see what operations can be skipped and still provide the correct behavior.

I think so.  Idea is to do the parsing to intermediate form.  Then, instead
of calling evaluate on the IR each time through the loop, continue further
and actually compile the IR to true executable code that can just be run,
not evaluated.

Yes, and the general idea is that compiling has to be done "just in time" because without type info you can't compile the language and type info is not known until a function is called with actual values. Then you cache the compiled code along with the types of the arguments so that it can be reused if you encounter another call to the same function with the same argument types again.

A generic compiler that generates code that uses octave_value objects would be of almost no use because one of the most time consuming parts of evaluation is dispatching based on types. Using octave_value objects means you still do all of that work.


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