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[paparazzi-commits] [4086] add mouse controls:

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: [paparazzi-commits] [4086] add mouse controls:
Date: Sat, 05 Sep 2009 09:50:36 +0000

Revision: 4086

Author:   hecto
Date:     2009-09-05 09:50:36 +0000 (Sat, 05 Sep 2009)
Log Message:
 add mouse controls:
  - drag rectangle with left button
  - zoom with wheel, only x if ctrl, only y if shift
  - reset y scale with right

Modified Paths:

Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/logalizer/
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/logalizer/       2009-09-05 00:32:16 UTC (rev 
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/logalizer/       2009-09-05 09:50:36 UTC (rev 
@@ -80,7 +80,11 @@
   label, GEdit.entry ?width_chars ~text:value ~packing:h#pack ()
 class plot = fun ~width ~height ~packing () ->
-  let curves = Hashtbl.create 3 in
+  let curves = Hashtbl.create 3
+  and left_margin = 50
+  and bottom_margin = 25
+  and top_margin = 20 in
   object (self)
     val mutable min_x = max_float
     val mutable max_x = -.max_float
@@ -90,28 +94,43 @@
     val mutable color_index = 0
     val mutable csts = ([] : float list)
     val mutable auto_scale = true
+    val mutable press_x = 0.
+    val mutable press_y = 0.
     inherit Gtk_tools.pixmap_in_drawin_area ~width ~height ~packing ()
-    method private update_scale = fun values ->
+    method unscale_x = fun width x ->
+      min_x +. (x -. float left_margin) *. (max_x -. min_x) /.  float 
+    method unscale_y = fun height y ->
+      let graph_height = height - bottom_margin - top_margin in
+      min_y -. (y -. float  (top_margin+graph_height)) *. (max_y -. min_y) /. 
float graph_height
+    method private update_scale = fun ?(update_x=true) values ->
       let n = Array.length values in
-      min_x <- min min_x (fst values.(0));
-      max_x <- max max_x (fst values.(n-1));
+      if update_x then begin
+       min_x <- min min_x (fst values.(0));
+       max_x <- max max_x (fst values.(n-1))
+      end;
       for i = 0 to n - 1 do
-       let _, y = values.(i) in
-       min_y <- min min_y y;
-       max_y <- max max_y y
+       let x, y = values.(i) in
+       if min_x <= x && x <= max_x then begin
+         min_y <- min min_y y;
+         max_y <- max max_y y
+       end
-    method reset_scale = fun () ->
-      if auto_scale then begin
+    method reset_scale = fun ?(update_x = true) () ->
+      if auto_scale || not update_x then begin
        (* Recomputes the min and max *)
-       min_x <- max_float;
+       if update_x then begin
+         min_x <- max_float;
+         max_x <- -.max_float
+       end;
        min_y <- max_float;
-       max_x <- -.max_float;
        max_y <- -.max_float;
-       Hashtbl.iter (fun _ curve ->
-         self#update_scale curve.values)
+       Hashtbl.iter
+         (fun _ curve -> self#update_scale ~update_x curve.values)
        self#wake ()
@@ -168,10 +187,7 @@
       dr#set_foreground (`NAME "white");
       dr#rectangle ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width ~height ~filled:true ();
-      let left_margin = 50
-      and bottom_margin = 25
-      and top_margin = 20
-      and tick_len = 5
+      let tick_len = 5
       and margin = 3 in
       let graph_height = height - bottom_margin - top_margin in
@@ -251,7 +267,83 @@
       (* Actually draw *)
       (new GDraw.drawable da#misc#window)#put_pixmap ~x:0 ~y:0 dr#pixmap
-    initializer(ignore (self#drawing_area#event#connect#expose ~callback:(fun 
_ -> self#redraw (); false)))
+    method button_press = fun ev ->
+      match GdkEvent.Button.button ev with
+       1 -> (* left button, store position *)
+         press_x <- GdkEvent.Button.x ev;
+         press_y <- GdkEvent.Button.y ev;
+         true
+      | 3 when not auto_scale -> (* right button, reset scale *)
+         self#reset_scale ~update_x:false ();
+         self#redraw ();
+         true
+      | _ -> false
+    method button_release = fun ev ->
+      match GdkEvent.Button.button ev with
+       1 -> (* left button, change scale *)
+         let release_x = GdkEvent.Button.x ev
+         and release_y = GdkEvent.Button.y ev in
+         if abs_float (release_x -. press_x) > 25.
+             && abs_float (release_y -. press_y) > 25. then begin
+               let {Gtk.width=width;height=height}= 
self#drawing_area#misc#allocation in
+               min_x <- self#unscale_x width (min press_x release_x);
+               max_x <- self#unscale_x width (max press_x release_x);
+               min_y <- self#unscale_y height (max press_y release_y);
+               max_y <- self#unscale_y height (min press_y release_y);
+               auto_scale <- false;
+               self#redraw ()
+             end;
+         true
+      | _ -> false
+    method scroll = fun ev ->
+      let {Gtk.width=width;height=height}= self#drawing_area#misc#allocation
+      and dx = (max_x -. min_x) and dy = (max_y -. min_y) in
+      let alpha_x = 
+       (GdkEvent.Scroll.x ev -. float left_margin)
+         /. float (width-left_margin)
+      and alpha_y =
+       (float height-.GdkEvent.Scroll.y ev-. float (top_margin+bottom_margin))
+         /. float (height-top_margin-bottom_margin)
+      and ev_state = GdkEvent.Scroll.state ev in
+      let ctrl_mod = Gdk.Convert.test_modifier `CONTROL ev_state
+      and shift_mod = Gdk.Convert.test_modifier `SHIFT ev_state in
+      match GdkEvent.Scroll.direction ev with
+       `UP -> (* Zoom factor 2 *)
+         if not shift_mod then begin
+           min_x <- min_x +. dx *. alpha_x /. 2.;
+           max_x <- min_x +. dx /. 2.
+         end;
+         if not ctrl_mod then begin
+           min_y <- min_y +. dy *. alpha_y /. 2.;
+           max_y <- min_y +. dy /. 2.
+         end;
+         auto_scale <- false;
+         self#redraw ();
+         true
+      | `DOWN -> (* Unzoom factor 2 *)
+         if not shift_mod then begin
+           min_x <- min_x -. dx *. alpha_x;
+           max_x <- min_x +. dx *. 2.
+         end;
+         if not ctrl_mod then begin
+           min_y <- min_y -. dy *. alpha_y;
+           max_y <- min_y +. dy *. 2.
+         end;
+         auto_scale <- false;
+         self#redraw ();
+         true
+      | _ -> false
+    initializer ignore (self#drawing_area#event#connect#expose ~callback:(fun 
_ -> self#redraw (); false))
+    initializer ignore (self#drawing_area#event#add [`BUTTON_PRESS; 
+    initializer ignore (self#drawing_area#event#connect#button_press 
+    initializer ignore (self#drawing_area#event#connect#button_release 
+    initializer ignore (self#drawing_area#event#connect#scroll 

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