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[paparazzi-commits] [4342] add FIG library

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: [paparazzi-commits] [4342] add FIG library
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 19:32:25 +0000

Revision: 4342

Author:   hecto
Date:     2009-11-19 19:32:24 +0000 (Thu, 19 Nov 2009)
Log Message:
 add FIG library

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/Makefile
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/Makefile      2009-11-19 18:39:37 UTC (rev 
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/Makefile      2009-11-19 19:32:24 UTC (rev 
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 OCAMLLIBDIR=$(shell ocamlc -where)
-SRC = cserial.o 
+SRC = 
cserial.o convert.o
 CMO = $(
 CMX = $(
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 XCMO = $(
 XCMX = $(
-TESTS_SRC = test/
+TESTS_SRC = test/
 $(XCMO) $(XCMX) myGtkInit.cmo : INCLUDES=$(XINCLUDES)

Added: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/                                (rev 0)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/        2009-11-19 19:32:24 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 ENAC, Pascal Brisset
+ *
+ * This file is part of paparazzi.
+ *
+ * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. 
+ *
+ *)
+(** Creating FIG files ({{:}format 
3.2}) *)
+open Printf
+let version = "3.2"
+type units = int
+type funits = float
+type point = units * units
+type color = int
+type filling = int
+type line_style =
+    Solid | Dashed | Dotted | DashDotted | DashDoubleDotted | DashTripleDotted
+let (int_of_line_style:line_style->int) = Obj.magic
+let (line_style_of_int:int->line_style) = Obj.magic
+type join_style = Miter| Round | Bevel
+let (int_of_join_style:join_style->int) = Obj.magic
+let join_style_of_int = Obj.magic
+type cap_style = Butt | Round | Projecting
+let int_of_cap_style = Obj.magic
+let cap_style_of_int = Obj.magic
+type polyline = 
+    Polyline | Box | Polygon | ArcBox | PictureBB of int*string
+let int_of_polyline = function
+    Polyline -> 1 | Box -> 2 | Polygon -> 3 | ArcBox -> 4 | PictureBB _ -> 5
+let polyline_of_int = fun ?(flipped=0) ?(pict="") i ->
+  match i with
+    1 -> Polyline
+  | 2 -> Box
+  | 3 -> Polygon
+  | 4 -> ArcBox
+  | 5 -> PictureBB (flipped, pict)
+  | _ -> invalid_arg "polyline_of_int"
+type arc = Open | Closed
+let int_of_arc x = Obj.magic x + 1
+let arc_of_int x = Obj.magic (x - 1)
+type spline = Approximated | Interpolated | XSpline
+let int_of_spline = function
+    (Open, Approximated) -> 0
+  | (Closed, Approximated) -> 1
+  | (Open, Interpolated) -> 2 
+  | (Closed, Interpolated) -> 3
+  | (Open, XSpline) -> 4
+  | (Closed, XSpline) -> 5
+let spline_of_int = function
+    0 -> (Open, Approximated)
+  | 1 -> (Closed, Approximated)
+  | 2 -> (Open, Interpolated)
+  | 3-> (Closed, Interpolated) 
+  | 4 -> (Open, XSpline)
+  | 5-> (Closed, XSpline) 
+  | _ -> invalid_arg "spline_of_int"
+type ellipse = EllipseRadius | EllipseDiameter | CircleRadius | CircleDiameter
+let int_of_ellipse x = Obj.magic x + 1
+let ellipse_of_int x = (Obj.magic (x-1) : ellipse)
+type arrow = {
+    arrow_type:        int;
+    arrow_style:       int;
+    arrow_thickness:   float;
+    arrow_width:       float;
+    arrow_height:      float
+  }
+type depth = int
+type graphic_attributes =
+    { line_style : line_style;
+      line_thickness : int;
+      pen_color : color;
+      fill_color : color;
+      depth : depth;
+      area_fill : filling;
+      style_val : float;
+      cap_style : cap_style;
+      forward_arrow : arrow option;
+      backward_arrow : arrow option;
+    }
+type radius = units
+type direction = Clockwise | CounterClockwise
+let direction_of_int = Obj.magic
+let int_of_direction = Obj.magic
+type angle = float (* Radian *)
+type shape_factor = float
+type graphic_object =
+    Ellipse of ellipse * direction * angle * point * units * units * point * 
+  | Polylines of polyline * join_style * radius * point list
+  | Spline of (arc*spline) * point list * shape_factor list
+  | Arc of arc * direction * (float * float) * point * point * point
+type justification = LeftJustified | CenterJustified | RightJustified
+let justification_of_int = Obj.magic
+let int_of_justification = Obj.magic
+type postscript_font = 
+  |  TimesRoman
+  |  TimesItalic
+  |  TimesBold
+  |  TimesBoldItalic
+  |  AvantGardeBook
+  |  AvantGardeBookOblique
+  |  AvantGardeDemi
+  |  AvantGardeDemiOblique
+  |  BookmanLight
+  |  BookmanLightItalic
+  |  BookmanDemi
+  |  BookmanDemiItalic
+  |  Courier
+  |  CourierOblique
+  |  CourierBold
+  |  CourierBoldOblique
+  |  Helvetica
+  |  HelveticaOblique
+  |  HelveticaBold
+  |  HelveticaBoldOblique
+  |  HelveticaNarrow
+  |  HelveticaNarrowOblique
+  |  HelveticaNarrowBold
+  |  HelveticaNarrowBoldOblique
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookRoman
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookItalic
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookBold
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookBoldItalic
+  |  PalatinoRoman
+  |  PalatinoItalic
+  |  PalatinoBold
+  |  PalatinoBoldItalic
+  |  Symbol
+  |  ZapfChanceryMediumItalic
+  |  ZapfDingbats
+type latex_font =
+    DefaultLatex
+  | Roman
+  | Bold
+  | Italic
+  | SansSerif
+  | Typewriter
+type font = Postscript of postscript_font | Latex of latex_font
+let int_of_font = function
+    Postscript f -> Obj.magic f
+  | Latex f -> Obj.magic f
+let font_of_int ps i =
+  if ps then Postscript (Obj.magic i) else Latex (Obj.magic i)
+type font_size = int
+type font_flags = int
+type comments = string list
+type fig_object = (comments * raw_object)
+and raw_object =
+    UserColor of color * (int * int * int)
+  | Compound of point * point * fig_object list
+  | Text of justification * color * depth * font * font_size * angle * 
font_flags * funits * funits * point * string
+  | GrObj of graphic_attributes * graphic_object
+type orientation = Landscape | Portrait
+type just = Center | FlushLeft
+type units_name = Metric | Inches
+type papersize = string
+type multiple_page = Single | Multiple
+let string_of_orientation = function
+    Landscape -> "Landscape" | Portrait -> "Portrait"
+let string_of_just = function
+ Center -> "Center" | FlushLeft -> "FlushLeft"
+let string_of_units_name = function
+    Metric -> "Metric" | Inches -> "Inches"
+let string_of_multiple_page = function
+    Single -> "Single" | Multiple -> "Multiple"
+let orientation_of_string = function
+    "Landscape" -> Landscape | "Portrait" -> Portrait | _ -> invalid_arg 
+let just_of_string = function
+ "Center" -> Center | "Flush Left" -> FlushLeft | "Flush left" -> FlushLeft | 
_ -> invalid_arg "just_of_string"
+let units_name_of_string = function
+    "Metric" -> Metric | "Inches" -> Inches | _ -> invalid_arg 
+let multiple_page_of_string = function
+    "Single" -> Single | "Multiple" -> Multiple | _ -> invalid_arg 
+type t = {
+    version : string;
+    orientation : orientation;
+    justification : just;
+    units : units_name;
+    papersize : papersize;
+    magnification : float;
+    multiple_page : multiple_page;
+    transparent_color : int; 
+    comments : string list;
+    resolution : units * int;
+    body : fig_object list
+  }
+let black = 0
+let blue = 1
+let green = 2
+let cyan = 3
+let red = 4
+let magenta = 5
+let yellow = 6
+let white = 7
+let user_color = ref 31
+let color = fun ?number r g b ->
+  let short = fun x -> 
+    if x < 0 || x > 255 then 
+      invalid_arg "Fig.color: color composite out of bound" in
+  short r;
+  short g;
+  short b;
+  let n = 
+    match number with
+      None -> incr user_color; !user_color
+      | Some x -> x in
+  if n < 32 || n > 543 then invalid_arg "Fig.color: color number out of bound";
+  (n, (["User color"], UserColor (n, (r, g, b))))
+let default_arrow = {
+  arrow_type = 1;
+  arrow_style = 1;
+  arrow_thickness= 1.0;
+  arrow_width = 60.0;
+  arrow_height = 120.0
+let filled = 20
+let close = fun (f, _) -> close_out f;;
+let one = fun x -> if x = None then 0 else 1
+let arrow = fun f x -> 
+  match x with
+    None -> ()
+  | Some t -> fprintf f "\t%d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n" t.arrow_type t.arrow_style 
t.arrow_thickness t.arrow_width t.arrow_height
+let point = fun f (x,y) -> fprintf f " %d %d" x y
+let comment = fun lines (c, o) -> (c @ lines, o)
+(* Environment *)
+let create = fun
+  ?(comments = ["Generated by"])
+    ?(orientation = Landscape)
+    ?(justification = Center)
+    ?(units = Metric)
+    ?(papersize = "A4")
+    ?(magnification = 100.0)
+    ?(multiple_page = Single)
+    ?(transparent_color = -2)
+    ?(resolution=(1200,2))
+    objects ->
+  { version = "3.2";
+    orientation = orientation;
+    justification = justification;
+    units = units;
+    papersize = papersize;
+    magnification = magnification;
+    multiple_page = multiple_page;
+    transparent_color = transparent_color; 
+    comments = comments;
+    resolution = resolution;
+    body = objects }
+(* Polyline *)
+let polyline = fun
+    ?(sub_type = Polyline)
+    ?(line_style = Solid)
+    ?(thickness = 1) 
+    ?(pen_color = black) 
+    ?(fill_color = white) 
+    ?(depth = 50) 
+    ?(area_fill = -1) 
+    ?(style_val = 4.0)
+    ?(join_style = Miter)
+    ?(cap_style = Butt)
+    ?(radius = 7)
+    ?forward_arrow 
+    ?backward_arrow
+    list ->
+      let list = (* Checking and fixing nb of points *)
+       match sub_type, list with
+         Polyline, _::_ -> list
+       | Polygon, first::rest -> 
+           if List.hd (List.rev list) <> first then begin
+             prerr_endline "Fig.polyline: closing Polygon";
+             list @ [first]
+           end else
+             list
+       | _box, [(x0,y0);(x1, y1)] -> (* Opposed corners *)
+           [(x0,y0);(x1, y0);(x1,y1);(x0,y1);(x0,y0)]
+       | _ -> invalid_arg "Fig.polyline"           
+      in
+      let attributes = {
+       line_style = line_style;
+       line_thickness = thickness;
+       pen_color = pen_color;
+       fill_color = fill_color;
+       depth = depth;
+       area_fill = area_fill;
+       style_val = style_val;
+       cap_style = cap_style;
+       forward_arrow = forward_arrow;
+       backward_arrow = backward_arrow
+      } in
+      (["Polyline"], GrObj (attributes, Polylines (sub_type, join_style, (if 
sub_type = ArcBox then radius else -1), list)))
+(* Arc *)
+let arc = fun
+    ?(sub_type = Open)
+    ?(line_style = Solid)
+    ?(thickness = 1) 
+    ?(pen_color = black) 
+    ?(fill_color = white) 
+    ?(depth = 50) 
+    ?(area_fill = -1) 
+    ?(style_val = 0.0)
+    ?(cap_style = Butt)
+    ?forward_arrow 
+    ?backward_arrow
+    (center_x, center_y) radius alpha1 alpha2 ->
+      let attributes = {
+       line_style = line_style;
+       line_thickness = thickness;
+       pen_color = pen_color;
+       fill_color = fill_color;
+       depth = depth;
+       area_fill = area_fill;
+       style_val = style_val;
+       cap_style = cap_style;
+       forward_arrow = forward_arrow;
+       backward_arrow = backward_arrow
+      } in
+      let direction = if alpha2 >0. then Clockwise else CounterClockwise in
+      let p1 = (int_of_float (center_x +. (radius *. cos alpha1)),
+              int_of_float (center_y +. (radius *. sin alpha1)))
+      and p2 = (int_of_float (center_x +. (radius *. cos 
+               int_of_float (center_y +. (radius *. sin (alpha1+.alpha2/.2.))))
+      and p3 = (int_of_float (center_x +. (radius *. cos (alpha1+.alpha2))),
+              int_of_float (center_y +. (radius *. sin (alpha1+.alpha2)))) in
+      (["Arc"], GrObj (attributes, Arc (sub_type, direction, (center_x, 
center_y), p1, p2, p3)))
+(* Ellipse *)
+let ellipse = fun
+    ?(line_style = Solid)
+    ?(thickness = 1) 
+    ?(pen_color = black) 
+    ?(fill_color = white) 
+    ?(depth = 50) 
+    ?(area_fill = -1) 
+    ?(style_val = 0.0)
+    ?(direction = Clockwise)
+    ?(angle = 0.0)
+    (center_x, center_y) radius_x radius_y ->
+      let attributes = {
+       line_style = line_style;
+       line_thickness = thickness;
+       pen_color = pen_color;
+       fill_color = fill_color;
+       depth = depth;
+       area_fill = area_fill;
+       style_val = style_val;
+       cap_style = Butt; (* Unused *)
+       forward_arrow = None;
+       backward_arrow = None
+      } in
+      (["Ellipse"], GrObj (attributes, Ellipse (EllipseRadius, direction, 
angle, (center_x, center_y), radius_x, radius_y, (center_x, center_y), 
(center_x + radius_x, center_y + radius_y))))
+let factors = fun points spline ->
+  let _f = match spline with (_, Interpolated) -> -1.0 | _ -> 1.0 in
+  let rec loop = function
+      []  -> []
+    | [_] -> [0.]
+    | _ :: xs -> -1. :: loop xs in
+  match points with
+    [] -> []
+  | _ :: xs -> 0. :: loop xs
+(* Spline *)
+let spline = fun
+    ?(sub_type = Open, Approximated)
+    ?(line_style = Solid)
+    ?(thickness = 1) 
+    ?(pen_color = black) 
+    ?(fill_color = white) 
+    ?(depth = 50) 
+    ?(area_fill = -1) 
+    ?(style_val = 0.0)
+    ?(cap_style = Butt)
+    ?forward_arrow 
+    ?backward_arrow
+    list ->
+      let list = (* Checking and fixing nb of points *)
+       match fst sub_type, list with
+         Open, _::_ -> list
+       | Closed, first::rest -> 
+           if List.hd (List.rev list) <> first then begin
+             prerr_endline "Fig.spline: closing spline";
+             list @ [first]
+           end else
+             list
+       | _ -> invalid_arg "Fig.spline"
+      in
+      let attributes = {
+       line_style = line_style;
+       line_thickness = thickness;
+       pen_color = pen_color;
+       fill_color = fill_color;
+       depth = depth;
+       area_fill = area_fill;
+       style_val = style_val;
+       cap_style = cap_style;
+       forward_arrow = forward_arrow;
+       backward_arrow = backward_arrow
+      } in
+      (["Spline"], GrObj (attributes, Spline (sub_type, list, factors list 
+(* Text *)
+let bit x d =
+  (if x then 1 else 0) lsl d
+let font_flags = fun rigid special font hidden ->
+  bit rigid 0 +
+    bit special 1 +
+    bit (match font with Postscript _ -> true | _ -> false) 2 +
+    bit hidden 3
+let code_string = fun f s ->
+  for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+    if Char.code s.[i] > 0o177 then
+      fprintf f "\\%3o" (Char.code s.[i])
+    else
+      fprintf f "%c" s.[i]
+  done
+let text = fun
+    ?(sub_type = LeftJustified)
+    ?(color = black) 
+    ?(depth = 50) 
+    ?(font = Postscript TimesRoman) 
+    ?(font_size = 12)
+    ?(angle = 0.0)
+    ?(rigid = true)
+    ?(special = false)
+    ?(hidden = false)
+    (x,y) string ->
+      (* Null height and length automatically updated by xfig *)
+      let ff = font_flags rigid special font hidden in
+      (["Text"], Text (sub_type, color, depth, font, font_size, angle, ff, 0., 
0., (x, y), string))
+let compound = fun objects ->
+  (* Null box automatically updated by xfig *)
+  (["Compound"], Compound ((0,0), (0,0), objects))
+open Scanf
+let rec read_comments = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %0c" (fun c ->
+    if c = '#' then
+      bscanf s " address@hidden" (fun l ->
+       let n = String.length l in
+       String.sub l 2 (n-2) :: read_comments s)
+    else
+      [])
+let read_point = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %d" (fun x y -> (x, y))
+let read_user_color = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d" (fun n ->
+    bscanf s " #%2x%2x%2x" (fun r g b ->
+      UserColor (n, (r, g, b))))
+let read_ellipse = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %f" (fun st ls thick pc fc depth 
_ps af sv dirct angle ->
+    let c = read_point s in
+    let (rx, ry) = read_point s in
+    let p1 = read_point s in
+    let p2 = read_point s in
+    GrObj ({line_style = line_style_of_int ls;
+      line_thickness = thick;
+      pen_color = pc;
+      fill_color = fc;
+      depth = depth;
+      area_fill = af;
+      style_val = sv;
+      cap_style = Butt; (* Unused *)
+      forward_arrow = None;
+      backward_arrow = None}, (Ellipse (ellipse_of_int st, direction_of_int 
dirct, angle, c, rx, ry, p1, p2))))
+let read_arrow = fun s flag ->
+  if flag = 0 then None else
+  bscanf s " %d %d %f %f %f" (fun at s thick w h ->
+    Some { arrow_type = at;
+      arrow_style= s; 
+      arrow_thickness= thick;
+      arrow_width = w;
+      arrow_height= h
+   })
+let read_picture = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %s" (fun flip name -> PictureBB (flip, name))
+let rec read_points s n =
+  if n = 0 then [] else
+  let p = read_point s in
+  p :: read_points s (n-1)
+let rec read_floats s n =
+  if n = 0 then [] else
+  bscanf s " %f" (fun f -> f :: read_floats s (n-1))
+let read_polyline = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %d %d %d %d %d" (fun st ls thick pc 
fc depth _ps af sv js cs rad faf baf n ->
+    let fa = read_arrow s faf in
+    let ba = read_arrow s baf in
+    let st = if st = 5 then read_picture s else polyline_of_int st in
+    let points = read_points s n in
+    let com = {line_style = line_style_of_int ls;
+      line_thickness = thick;
+      pen_color = pc;
+      fill_color = fc;
+      depth = depth;
+      area_fill = af;
+      style_val = sv;
+      cap_style = cap_style_of_int cs;
+      forward_arrow = fa;
+      backward_arrow = ba} in
+    GrObj (com, Polylines (st, join_style_of_int js, rad, points)))
+let read_spline = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %d %d %d" (fun st ls thick pc fc 
depth _ps af sv cs faf baf n ->
+    let fa = read_arrow s faf in
+    let ba = read_arrow s baf in
+    let points = read_points s n in
+    let shape_factors = read_floats s n in
+    let com = {line_style = line_style_of_int ls;
+      line_thickness = thick;
+      pen_color = pc;
+      fill_color = fc;
+      depth = depth;
+      area_fill = af;
+      style_val = sv;
+      cap_style = cap_style_of_int cs;
+      forward_arrow = fa;
+      backward_arrow = ba} in
+    GrObj (com, Spline (spline_of_int st, points, shape_factors)))
+let read_arc = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %d %d %d %f %f" (fun st ls thick pc 
fc depth _ps af sv cs dirct faf baf cx cy ->
+    let p1 = read_point s in
+    let p2 = read_point s in
+    let p3 = read_point s in
+    let fa = read_arrow s faf in
+    let ba = read_arrow s baf in
+    let com = { line_style = line_style_of_int ls;
+               line_thickness = thick;
+               pen_color = pc;
+               fill_color = fc;
+               depth = depth;
+               area_fill = af;
+               style_val = sv;
+               cap_style = cap_style_of_int cs;
+              forward_arrow = fa;
+              backward_arrow = ba} in
+    GrObj(com, Arc (arc_of_int st, direction_of_int dirct, (cx, cy), p1, p2, 
+let bit2 ff = (ff lor 2) land 1 = 1
+let read_text = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %f %f" (fun st c depth _ps ft fs angle ff 
h l ->
+    let p = read_point s in
+    bscanf s "address@hidden" (fun _space text ->
+      let n = String.length text in
+      assert (String.sub text (n-4) 4 = "\\001");
+      let text = String.sub text 0 (n - 4) in
+      Text (justification_of_int st, c, depth, font_of_int (bit2 ff) ft, fs, 
angle, ff, h, l, p,text)))
+let rec read_objects = fun s ->
+  let read_object = [| read_user_color; read_ellipse; read_polyline; 
read_spline; read_text; read_arc; read_compound |] in
+  try
+    let comments = read_comments s in
+    bscanf s " %d" (fun code ->
+      if 0 <= code && code <= 6 then
+       let o = read_object.(code) s in
+       (comments, o) :: read_objects s
+      else if code = -6 then []
+      else failwith ("read_objects: "^string_of_int code))
+  with
+    End_of_file -> []
+and read_compound = fun s ->
+  bscanf s " %d %d %d %d" (fun x1 y1 x2 y2 -> Compound ((x1,y1), (x2,y2), 
read_objects s))
+let read = fun file ->
+  let s = Scanning.from_file file in
+  bscanf s "#FIG address@hidden address@hidden %s %s %f %s %d" (fun v o j u p 
m multi t ->
+    if String.sub v 0 3 <> "3.2" then
+      failwith ("Unknown FIG format version: "^v);
+    let comments = read_comments s in
+    bscanf s "%d %d" (fun resolution coord_system ->
+      let os = read_objects s in
+      {
+       version = v;
+       orientation = orientation_of_string o;
+       justification = just_of_string j;
+       units = units_name_of_string u;
+       papersize = p;
+       magnification = m;
+       multiple_page = multiple_page_of_string multi;
+       transparent_color = t; 
+       comments = comments;
+       resolution = (resolution, coord_system);
+       body = os
+     }))
+let fprint_point f (x, y) = fprintf f " %d %d" x y
+let arrow_flag = function
+    None -> 0
+  | Some _ -> 1
+let fprint_arrow f = function
+    None -> ()
+  | Some a ->
+      fprintf f "\t%d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n" a.arrow_type a.arrow_style 
a.arrow_thickness a.arrow_width a.arrow_height
+let fprint_picture f = function
+    PictureBB (flip, name) ->
+      fprintf f "%d %s\n" flip name
+  | _ -> ()
+let write_graphic_object f com = function
+    Ellipse (ellipse, direction, angle, center, rx, ry, p1, p2) ->
+      fprintf f "1 %d %d %d %d %d %d -1 %d %.3f "
+       (int_of_ellipse ellipse)
+       (int_of_line_style com.line_style) com.line_thickness com.pen_color 
+       com.depth com.area_fill com.style_val;
+      fprintf f "%d %.4f%a%a%a%a\n"
+       (int_of_direction direction) angle fprint_point center fprint_point 
+       fprint_point p1 fprint_point p2
+  | Polylines (polyline,  join_style, radius, points) ->
+      fprintf f "2 %d %d %d %d %d %d 0 %d %.3f "
+       (int_of_polyline polyline)
+       (int_of_line_style com.line_style) com.line_thickness com.pen_color 
+       com.depth com.area_fill com.style_val;
+      fprintf f "%d %d %d " (int_of_join_style join_style) (int_of_cap_style 
com.cap_style) radius;
+      fprintf f "%d %d %d\n" (arrow_flag com.forward_arrow) (arrow_flag 
com.backward_arrow) (List.length points);
+      fprint_arrow f com.forward_arrow;
+      fprint_arrow f com.backward_arrow;
+      fprint_picture f polyline;
+      fprintf f "\t"; List.iter (fprint_point f) points; fprintf f "\n";
+  | Spline ((arc,spline), points, factors) ->
+      fprintf f "3 %d %d %d %d %d %d 0 %d %f "
+       (int_of_spline (arc,spline))
+       (int_of_line_style com.line_style) com.line_thickness com.pen_color 
+       com.depth com.area_fill com.style_val;
+      fprintf f "%d " (int_of_cap_style com.cap_style);
+      fprintf f "%d %d %d\n" (arrow_flag com.forward_arrow) (arrow_flag 
com.backward_arrow) (List.length points);
+      fprint_arrow f com.forward_arrow;
+      fprint_arrow f com.backward_arrow;
+      fprintf f "\t"; List.iter (fprint_point f) points; fprintf f "\n";
+      fprintf f "\t"; List.iter (fun x -> fprintf f " %.3f" x) factors; 
fprintf f "\n"
+  | Arc (arc, direction, (cx, cy),  p1, p2, p3) ->
+      fprintf f "5 %d %d %d %d %d %d 0 %d %f "
+       (int_of_arc arc)
+       (int_of_line_style com.line_style) com.line_thickness com.pen_color 
+       com.depth com.area_fill com.style_val;
+      fprintf f "%d %d " (int_of_cap_style com.cap_style) (direction_of_int 
+      fprintf f "%d %d " (arrow_flag com.forward_arrow) (arrow_flag 
+      fprintf f "%f %f " cx cy;
+      fprintf f "%a %a %a\n" fprint_point p1 fprint_point p2 fprint_point p3;
+      fprint_arrow f com.forward_arrow;
+      fprint_arrow f com.backward_arrow
+let rec write_object f (comments, obj) =
+  List.iter (fun x -> fprintf f "# %s\n" x) comments;
+  match obj with
+    UserColor (color, (r, g, b)) -> fprintf f "0 %d #%02x%02x%02x\n" color r g 
+  | Compound (p1, p2, objects) ->
+      fprintf f "6%a%a\n" fprint_point p1 fprint_point p2;
+      List.iter (write_object f) objects;
+      fprintf f "-6\n"
+  | Text (justification, color, depth, font, font_size, angle, font_flags, h, 
l, point, string) ->
+      fprintf f "4 %d %d %d 0 %d %d %.4f %d %.0f %.0f%a %a\\001\n"
+       (int_of_justification justification) color depth (int_of_font font) 
font_size angle font_flags h l fprint_point point code_string string
+  | GrObj (graphic_common, graphic_object) ->
+      write_graphic_object f graphic_common  graphic_object
+let write_out f { version = v;
+           orientation = o;
+           justification = j;
+           units = u;
+           papersize = p;
+           magnification = m;
+           multiple_page = multi;
+           transparent_color = t; 
+           comments = comments;
+           resolution = (resolution, coord_system);
+           body = os
+         } =
+  fprintf f "#FIG %s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%.2f\n%s\n%d\n" v (string_of_orientation 
o) (string_of_just j) (string_of_units_name u) p m (string_of_multiple_page 
multi) t;
+  List.iter (fun x -> fprintf f "# %s\n" x) comments;
+  fprintf f "%d %d\n" resolution coord_system;
+  let (colors, others) = List.partition (function (_, UserColor _) -> true | _ 
-> false) os in
+  List.iter (write_object f) colors;
+  List.iter (write_object f) others
+let write f fig =
+  let f = open_out f in
+  write_out f fig;
+  close_out f

Added: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/fig.mli
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/fig.mli                               (rev 0)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/fig.mli       2009-11-19 19:32:24 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 ENAC, Pascal Brisset
+ *
+ * This file is part of paparazzi.
+ *
+ * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. 
+ *
+ *)
+(** Creating FIG files ({{:}format 
3.2}) *)
+(** This module provides a basic interface to produce FIG files to be edited
+with the popular xfig editor and translated into various image formats with
+fig2dev (see {{:}Xfig}).
+Usage is straighforward and can be illustrated with a simple example:
+let (color_id, color_obj) = Fig.color 100 100 100 in
+let p1 = Fig.polyline [0,0; 1000, 1000; 1000, 0] in
+let p2 = Fig.polyline ~sub_type:Fig.Box ~pen_color:color_id ~thickness:4 
[100,100;200,200] in
+let p3 = Fig.ellipse ~fill_color:Fig.yellow ~area_fill:Fig.filled (500,500) 
200 200 in
+let flower =
+ (fun a ->
+    let angle = 3.14 *. float a /. 3. in
+    Fig.text ~font:(Fig.Postscript Fig.Courier) ~angle ~color:Fig.magenta
+             (500,500) "  Petal")
+    [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5] in
+let c = Fig.comment ["flower"] (Fig.compound flower) in
+let fig = Fig.create ~orientation:Fig.Portrait [p1; p2; p3; color_obj; c] in
+Fig.write "foo.fig" fig;;
+The [read] function allows to parse a FIG file.
+type color = int
+val black : color
+val blue : color
+val green : color
+val cyan : color
+val red : color
+val magenta : color
+val yellow : color
+val white : color
+(** Basic predefined colors *)
+type arrow = {
+    arrow_type : int;
+    arrow_style : int;
+    arrow_thickness : float;
+    arrow_width : float;
+    arrow_height : float
+  }
+val default_arrow : arrow
+(** [{ arrow_type = 1; arrow_style = 1; arrow_thickness= 1.0;
+   arrow_width = 60.0; arrow_height = 120.0 }] *)
+type units = int
+type funits = float
+type point = units * units
+(** Point in Fig units (inch/1200) *)
+type filling = int
+(** Filling description. See 
{{:}format} description for details. 
+val filled : filling
+(** Full saturation of the fill color *)
+type line_style =
+    Solid | Dashed | Dotted | DashDotted | DashDoubleDotted | DashTripleDotted
+type join_style = Miter| Round | Bevel
+type cap_style = Butt | Round | Projecting
+type polyline = 
+    Polyline | Box | Polygon | ArcBox | PictureBB of int * string
+type ellipse = EllipseRadius | EllipseDiameter | CircleRadius | CircleDiameter
+type arc = Open | Closed
+type spline = Approximated | Interpolated | XSpline
+type direction = Clockwise | CounterClockwise
+type angle = float
+type radius = units
+type depth = int
+type font_size = int (* float in the format doc but int in .fig files ! *)
+type font_flags = int
+type shape_factor = float
+type graphic_object =
+    Ellipse of ellipse * direction * angle * point * units * units * point * 
+  | Polylines of polyline * join_style * radius * point list
+  | Spline of (arc*spline) * point list * shape_factor list
+  | Arc of arc * direction * (float * float) * point * point * point
+type graphic_attributes = {
+    line_style : line_style;
+    line_thickness : int;
+    pen_color : color;
+    fill_color : color;
+    depth : depth;
+    area_fill : filling;
+    style_val : float;
+    cap_style : cap_style;
+    forward_arrow : arrow option;
+    backward_arrow : arrow option
+  }
+type justification = LeftJustified | CenterJustified | RightJustified
+type postscript_font = 
+  |  TimesRoman
+  |  TimesItalic
+  |  TimesBold
+  |  TimesBoldItalic
+  |  AvantGardeBook
+  |  AvantGardeBookOblique
+  |  AvantGardeDemi
+  |  AvantGardeDemiOblique
+  |  BookmanLight
+  |  BookmanLightItalic
+  |  BookmanDemi
+  |  BookmanDemiItalic
+  |  Courier
+  |  CourierOblique
+  |  CourierBold
+  |  CourierBoldOblique
+  |  Helvetica
+  |  HelveticaOblique
+  |  HelveticaBold
+  |  HelveticaBoldOblique
+  |  HelveticaNarrow
+  |  HelveticaNarrowOblique
+  |  HelveticaNarrowBold
+  |  HelveticaNarrowBoldOblique
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookRoman
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookItalic
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookBold
+  |  NewCenturySchoolbookBoldItalic
+  |  PalatinoRoman
+  |  PalatinoItalic
+  |  PalatinoBold
+  |  PalatinoBoldItalic
+  |  Symbol
+  |  ZapfChanceryMediumItalic
+  |  ZapfDingbats
+type latex_font =
+    DefaultLatex
+  | Roman
+  | Bold
+  | Italic
+  | SansSerif
+  | Typewriter
+type font = Postscript of postscript_font | Latex of latex_font
+type comments = string list
+type fig_object = (comments * raw_object)
+and raw_object =
+    UserColor of color * (int * int * int)
+  | Compound of point * point * fig_object list
+  | Text of justification * color * depth * font * font_size * angle * 
font_flags * funits * funits * point * string
+  | GrObj of graphic_attributes * graphic_object
+type orientation = Landscape | Portrait
+type just = Center | FlushLeft
+type units_name = Metric | Inches
+type papersize = string
+type multiple_page = Single | Multiple
+type t = {
+    version : string;
+    orientation : orientation;
+    justification : just;
+    units : units_name;
+    papersize : papersize;
+    magnification : float;
+    multiple_page : multiple_page;
+    transparent_color : int; 
+    comments : string list;
+    resolution : units * int;
+    body : fig_object list
+  }
+val color : ?number:int -> int -> int -> int -> (color * fig_object)
+(** [color ?number r g b] creates a new user color. Number is
+allocated automatically if not specified. It is returned with the
+associated fig object *)
+val polyline :
+    ?sub_type:polyline ->     (** Polyline *)
+    ?line_style:line_style -> (** Solid *)
+    ?thickness:int ->         (** 1 *)
+    ?pen_color:color ->         (** black *)
+    ?fill_color:color ->        (** black *)
+    ?depth:int ->             (** 50 *)
+    ?area_fill:filling ->         (** -1 *)
+    ?style_val:float ->       (** 4.0 *)
+    ?join_style:join_style -> (** Miter *)
+    ?cap_style:cap_style ->   (** Butt *)
+    ?radius:int ->            (** 7 for ArcBox, -1 else *)
+    ?forward_arrow:arrow ->   (** None *)
+    ?backward_arrow:arrow ->  (** None *)
+    point list -> fig_object
+(** [polyline ?... point_list] *)
+(** For Boxes, only opposite corners are required. Polygons are closed
+automatically. *)
+val arc :
+    ?sub_type:arc ->          (** Open *)
+    ?line_style:line_style -> (** Solid *)
+    ?thickness:int ->         (** 1 *)
+    ?pen_color:color ->       (** black *)
+    ?fill_color:color ->      (** white *)
+    ?depth:int ->             (** 50 *)
+    ?area_fill:filling ->         (** -1 *)
+    ?style_val:float ->       (** 0.0 *)
+    ?cap_style:cap_style ->   (** Butt *)
+    ?forward_arrow:arrow ->   (** None *)
+    ?backward_arrow:arrow ->  (** None *)
+    float * float -> float -> float -> float -> fig_object
+(** [arc ?... centre radius alpha1 alpha2] 
+alpha1 is the angle between the X axis and the line centre->First point
+alpha2 is the angle between the line centre->First point and centre->Last point
+alpha1 and alpha2 are in radian
+val ellipse :
+    ?line_style:line_style -> (** Solid *)
+    ?thickness:int ->         (** 1 *)
+    ?pen_color:color ->       (** black *)
+    ?fill_color:color ->      (** white *)
+    ?depth:int ->             (** 50 *)
+    ?area_fill:filling ->         (** -1 *)
+    ?style_val:float ->       (** 0.0 *)
+    ?direction:direction ->   (** Clockwise *)
+    ?angle:float ->           (** 0.0 *)
+    point -> int -> int -> fig_object
+(** [ellipse ?... centre radius_x radius_y] Only "ellipse defined by radius"
+subtype *)
+val spline :
+    ?sub_type:arc * spline -> (** Open, Approximated *)
+    ?line_style:line_style -> (** Solid *)
+    ?thickness:int ->         (** 1 *)
+    ?pen_color:color ->       (** black *)
+    ?fill_color:color ->      (** white *)
+    ?depth:int ->             (** 50 *)
+    ?area_fill:filling ->     (** -1 *)
+    ?style_val:float ->       (** 0.0 *)
+    ?cap_style:cap_style ->   (** Butt *)
+    ?forward_arrow:arrow ->   (** None *)
+    ?backward_arrow:arrow ->  (** None *)
+    point list -> fig_object
+(** [ellipse ?... point_list] *)
+val text :
+    ?sub_type:justification -> (** LeftJustified *)
+    ?color:color ->            (** black *)
+    ?depth:int ->              (** 50 *)
+    ?font:font ->              (** Postscript TimesRoman *)
+    ?font_size:font_size ->    (** 12 *)
+    ?angle:float ->            (** 0.0 *)
+    ?rigid:bool ->             (** true *)
+    ?special:bool ->           (** false *)
+    ?hidden:bool ->            (** false *)
+    point -> string -> fig_object
+(** [text ?... position string] *)
+val compound : fig_object list -> fig_object
+(** [compound objects] creates a compound *)
+val comment : comments -> fig_object -> fig_object
+(** [comment comments fo] Appends comment lines to an object *)
+val create :
+    ?comments:comments ->
+    ?orientation:orientation ->     (** Landscape *)
+    ?justification:just ->          (** Center *)
+    ?units:units_name ->            (** Metric *)
+    ?papersize:papersize ->         (** A4 *)
+    ?magnification:float ->         (** 100.0 *)
+    ?multiple_page:multiple_page -> (** Single *)
+    ?transparent_color:int ->       (** -2 *)
+    ?resolution:units * int ->      (** 1200, 2 *)
+      fig_object list -> t
+(** [create ?... fig_objects] creates a FIG *)
+val write : string -> t -> unit
+(** [write filename fig] Dumps in a .fig file *)
+val read : string -> t
+(** [read filename] Parses a .fig file *)

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