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[paparazzi-commits] [4567]

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: [paparazzi-commits] [4567]
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 07:56:04 +0000

Revision: 4567

Author:   hecto
Date:     2010-02-24 07:56:04 +0000 (Wed, 24 Feb 2010)
Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/airborne/modules/gsm/gsm.c
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/airborne/modules/gsm/gsm.c      2010-02-24 07:55:43 UTC 
(rev 4566)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/airborne/modules/gsm/gsm.c      2010-02-24 07:56:04 UTC 
(rev 4567)
@@ -22,11 +22,24 @@
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "gsm.h"
+#include "uart.h"
 #include "std.h"
-#include "downlink.h"
+#include "ap_downlink.h"
+#include "gps.h"
+#include "autopilot.h"
+#include "estimator.h"
+#include "common_nav.h"
+#ifndef GSM_LINK
 #define GSM_LINK Uart3100
 #define GSM_MAX_PAYLOAD 160
 #define __GSMLink(dev, _x) dev##_x
@@ -36,32 +49,421 @@
 #define GSMBuffer() GSMLink(ChAvailable())
 #define ReadGSMBuffer() { while (GSMLink(ChAvailable())&&!gsm_line_received) 
gsm_parse(GSMLink(Getch())); }
+#define GSMTransmit(_c) GSMLink(Transmit(_c))
+#define CTRLZ          0x1A
+#define DATA_MAXLEN 128
 static bool gsm_line_received;
-static uint8_t gsm_buf[GSM_MAX_PAYLOAD] __attribute__ ((aligned));
-static uint8_t gsm_buf_idx;
+static bool prompt_received;
+static bool wait_data; /* Waiting for message content after header */
+static bool is_receiving; /* +CMTI has been received, true until contents has 
been parsed */
+static bool waiting_for_reply; /* An AT command has been sent and an answer is 
expected */ 
+static bool init_done;
+static bool waiting_prompt;
+static bool msg_sent;
+static char msg_status[16];
+static char msg_date[32];
+static char expected_ack[10];
+static char gsm_buf[GSM_MAX_PAYLOAD] __attribute__ ((aligned));
+static uint8_t gsm_buf_idx, gsm_buf_len;
+static char origin[GSM_ORIGIN_MAXLEN];
+static char data_to_send[DATA_MAXLEN];
+#define STATUS_NONE           0
+#define STATUS_CSQ            1
+#define STATUS_SEND_AT       3
+#define STATUS_SEND_CMGF      4
+#define STATUS_SEND_CNMI      5
+#define STATUS_SEND_CPMS      6
+static uint8_t gsm_status = STATUS_NONE;
+static uint8_t nb_received_lines = 0;
+static uint8_t index_msg;
+static void Send_AT(void);
+static void Send_CMGF(void);
+static void Send_CNMI(void);
+static void Send_CPMS(void);
+static void Suppr_SMS(int);
+static void gsm_send_report_continue(void);
+static void gsm_parse(uint8_t c);
+static void gsm_got_line(void);
+static void gsm_got_prompt(void);
+static void gsm_receive_content(void);
+static void request_for_msg(void);
+static void Extraction(char source[], char char_dbt, int nb_occurence1, int 
decalage1, char char_fin, int nb_occurence2, int decalage2, char destination[]);
+static void Send_CSQ(void);
+static void receiving_header(void);
+static void Send(const char string[]);
+static void parse_msg_header(char* reponse_module);
 void gsm_init(void) {
   gsm_buf_idx = 0;
   gsm_line_received = false;
+  init_done = false;
+  waiting_prompt = false;
+  msg_sent = true;
+  Send_AT();
-void gsm_periodic_1Hz(void) {
+void gsm_event(void) {
+  if (GSMBuffer())
+    ReadGSMBuffer();
+  if (gsm_line_received) {
+    gsm_got_line();
+    gsm_line_received = false;
+  } else if (prompt_received) {
+    gsm_got_prompt();
+    prompt_received = false;
+  }
+// A line of length gsm_buf_len is available in the gsm_buf buffer
+static void gsm_got_line(void)
+  if (wait_data) { // Currently receiving a SMS
+    gsm_receive_content();
+  } else if ((strncmp("+CMTI:", gsm_buf, strlen("+CMTI")) == 0)
+            && (!is_receiving)) { // A SMS is available
+    is_receiving = true;
+    // ???? Send(gsm_buf);
+    char index_extrait[6] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0";     
+    /* Extraction de l'index du message recu */
+    Extraction(gsm_buf, ',', 1, 1, '\r', 1, 1, index_extrait);
+    //??? Send(index_extrait);
+    index_msg = atoi(index_extrait);
+    request_for_msg();
+  } else if (waiting_for_reply) { // Other cases
+    // Do we get what we were expecting
+    bool GSM_reponse = strncmp(expected_ack, gsm_buf, strlen(expected_ack)) == 
+    switch(gsm_status) {
+    case STATUS_CSQ :                  
+      if(!GSM_reponse) {
+       if(nb_received_lines <= 15) { // ????? Telit is sending empty lines ?
+         nb_received_lines++;
+         waiting_for_reply = true; // Waiting longer for an answer
+       } else {
+         nb_received_lines = 0;
+         Send_CSQ(); // Asking again for the network coverage
+       }
+      } else {
+       waiting_for_reply = false;
+       gsm_send_report_continue();
+      }
+      break;
+      if(!GSM_reponse) {
+       if(nb_received_lines <= 10) {
+         nb_received_lines++;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+       } else {
+         nb_received_lines = 0;
+         request_for_msg();
+       }
+      } else {
+       waiting_for_reply = false;
+       receiving_header();
+      }
+      break;
+    case STATUS_SEND_AT :
+      if(!GSM_reponse) {
+       if(nb_received_lines <= 10) {
+         nb_received_lines++;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+       } else {
+         nb_received_lines = 0;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+         Send_AT();
+       }
+      } else {
+       waiting_for_reply = false;
+       GSM_reponse = false;
+       Send_CMGF();
+      }
+      break;
+    case STATUS_SEND_CMGF :
+      if(!GSM_reponse) {
+       if(nb_received_lines <= 10) {
+         nb_received_lines++;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+       } else {
+         nb_received_lines = 0;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+         Send_CMGF();
+       }
+      } else {
+       waiting_for_reply = false;
+       GSM_reponse = false;
+       Send_CNMI();
+      }
+      break;
+    case STATUS_SEND_CNMI :
+      if(!GSM_reponse) {
+       if(nb_received_lines <= 10) {
+         nb_received_lines++;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+       } else {
+         nb_received_lines = 0;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+         Send_CNMI();
+       }
+      } else {
+       waiting_for_reply = false;
+       GSM_reponse = false;
+       Send_CPMS();
+      }
+      break;
+    case STATUS_SEND_CPMS :
+      if(!GSM_reponse) {
+       if(nb_received_lines <= 10) {
+         nb_received_lines++;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+       } else {
+         nb_received_lines = 0;
+         waiting_for_reply = true;
+         Send_CPMS();
+       }
+      } else {
+       GSM_reponse = false;
+       init_done = true;
+       waiting_for_reply = false;
+      }                                                                
+      break;
+    default:                           
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// Receiving a SMS, first step: asking for a given message
+static void request_for_msg(void)
+  char demande_lecture_SMS[10];
+  strcpy(expected_ack, "+CMGR");
+  sprintf(demande_lecture_SMS, "AT+CMGR=%d", index_msg);
+  waiting_for_reply = true;
+  Send(demande_lecture_SMS);
-void gsm_send_report(void) {
+// Receiving a SMS, second step, header available in gsm_buf
+static void receiving_header(void)
+  parse_msg_header(gsm_buf);
+  wait_data = true;
+// Receiving a SMS, third step, content in gsm_buf
+static void gsm_receive_content(void)
+  char instruction[15], index_block[2];
+  wait_data = false;
+  // ?????? sprintf(data_to_send, "%d %s %s %s %s", index_msg, flag, 
expediteur, dateheure, data_recue);
+  // ?????? Send(data_to_send);
+  // Checking the number of the sender
+  if (strncmp((char*)GCS_NUMBER, origin, 12) == 0) {
+      // Decoding the message ...
+      // Search for the instruction
+      Extraction(gsm_buf, ' ', 1, 1, ' ', 1, 0, instruction);
+      Send(instruction);
+      // Si on a recu une instruction JUMP_TO_BLOCK    
+      if (strcmp(instruction, "JUMP_TO_BLOCK") == 0) {
+       Extraction(gsm_buf, ' ', 2, 1, '\n', 1, 0, index_block);
+       nav_goto_block(atoi(index_block));
+      }
+      Suppr_SMS(index_msg);
+  }
+  is_receiving = false;
-void gsm_start(void) {
+// Deleting a SMS
+void Suppr_SMS(int index_)
+  char demande_suppression[20];
+  sprintf(demande_suppression, "AT+CMGD=%d", index_);
+  strcpy(expected_ack, "OK");
+  Send(demande_suppression);
-void gsm_stop(void) {
+// Sending a SMS, first step: send the number and wait for the prompt
+static void Send_Msg(void)
+  waiting_prompt = true;
+  Send("AT+CMGS=\"+33617802096\"\0");
+// We just have received a prompt ">" (we are sending a SMS)
+static void gsm_got_prompt(void)
+  if (waiting_prompt) { // We were waiting for a prompt
+    char string[strlen(data_to_send) +3];
+    sprintf(string, "%s%c", data_to_send, CTRLZ);
+    Send(string);
+  }
+  waiting_prompt = false;
+static void parse_msg_header(char* buffer2)
+  /* Extraction du flag*/
+  Extraction(buffer2, '"', 1, 1, '"', 1, 0, msg_status);
+  /* Extraction de l'expediteur*/
+  Extraction(buffer2, '"', 2, 1, '"', 1, 0, origin);
+  /* Extraction de date heure*/
+  Extraction(buffer2, '"', 4, 1, '"', 1, 0, msg_date);
+  //pb d'ecriture du flag => solution de fortune (pb si flag != rec unread)
+  //??????? strncpy(flag, flag, 10);
+// Periodic message, first step (called every 60s)
+void gsm_send_report()
+  if(init_done && msg_sent) {
+    msg_sent = false;
+    // Checking the network coverage
+    Send_CSQ();
+  } 
+// Sending a message, second step; we have asked for network quality
+void gsm_send_report_continue(void)
+  char qualite_signal_GSM[5];
+  //We got "+CSQ:" (and we expect "ok" on the second line ???)
+  Extraction(gsm_buf, ':', 1, 2, '\r', 1, 0, qualite_signal_GSM);
+  qualite_signal_GSM[4] = '\0';          
+  // Donnee GPS :ne sont pas envoyes gps_mode, gps_itow, gps_utm_zone, 
+  // Donnees batterie (seuls vsupply et estimator_flight_time sont envoyes)
+  // concatenation de toutes les infos en un seul message à transmettre
+  sprintf(data_to_send, "%ld %ld %d %ld %d %d %d %d %s", gps_utm_east, 
gps_utm_north, gps_course, gps_alt, gps_gspeed, gps_climb, vsupply, 
estimator_flight_time, qualite_signal_GSM);
+  // Envoi du SMS
+  Send_Msg();
+  msg_sent = true;
+static void Send_AT(void)
+  strcpy(expected_ack, "OK");
+  gsm_status = STATUS_SEND_AT;
+  waiting_for_reply = true;
+  Send("AT");
+static void Send_CMGF(void)
+  strcpy(expected_ack, "OK");
+  gsm_status = STATUS_SEND_CMGF;
+  waiting_for_reply = true;
+  Send("AT+CMGF=1");
+static void Send_CSQ(void)
+  strcpy(expected_ack, "OK");
+  gsm_status = STATUS_CSQ;
+  waiting_for_reply = true;
+  Send("AT+CSQ");
+static void Send_CNMI(void)
+  strcpy(expected_ack, "OK");
+  gsm_status = STATUS_SEND_CNMI;
+  waiting_for_reply = true;
+  Send("AT+CNMI=1,1,0,0,0");
+static void Send_CPMS(void)
+  strcpy(expected_ack, "+CPMS:");
+  gsm_status = STATUS_SEND_CPMS;
+  waiting_for_reply = true;
+  Send("AT+CPMS=\"SM\"");
+static uint8_t indexn(const char* string, char c, int nb_occ)
+  uint8_t nb_trouve = 0, i = 0;
+  while(string[i] && nb_trouve < nb_occ) {
+    if(string[i] == c) {
+      nb_trouve++;
+    }
+    i++;
+  }
+  if (nb_trouve == nb_occ)
+    return i-1;
+  else
+    return -1;
 static void gsm_parse(uint8_t c) {
   switch(c) {
   case '\n':
@@ -69,7 +471,12 @@
   case '\r':
     gsm_line_received = true;
+    gsm_buf_len = gsm_buf_idx;
+    gsm_buf_idx=0;
+  case '>':
+    prompt_received = true;
+    break;
     if (gsm_buf_idx < GSM_MAX_PAYLOAD) { 
       gsm_buf[gsm_buf_idx] = c;
@@ -79,13 +486,38 @@
-void gsm_event(void) {
-  if (GSMBuffer())
-    ReadGSMBuffer();
-  if (gsm_line_received) {
-    /* utiliser l'info */
-    gsm_line_received = false;
+// Sending a string to the GSM module (through the UART)
+static void Send(const char string[])
+  int i = 0;
+  while(string[i])
+    GSMTransmit(string[i]);
+  GSMTransmit('\r');
+static void Extraction(char source[], char char_dbt, int nb_occurence1, int 
decalage1, char char_fin, int nb_occurence2, int decalage2, char destination[])
+  int indice_debut, indice_fin, i, rch1, rch2;
+  rch1 = indexn(source, char_dbt, nb_occurence1);
+  if(rch1 == -1)
+    strncpy(destination, "0", 1);
+  else {
+    indice_debut = rch1 + decalage1;
+    for(i=0; i<strlen(source); i++)
+      source[i] = source[i+indice_debut];
+    rch2 = indexn(source, char_fin, nb_occurence2);
+    if(rch2 == -1)
+      strncpy(destination, "0", 1);
+    else {
+      indice_fin = rch2 + decalage2;
+      strncpy(destination, source, indice_fin);
+      destination[indice_fin] = '\0';
+    }

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