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[paparazzi-commits] [paparazzi/paparazzi] b3bb35: [modules] dc: replace

From: GitHub
Subject: [paparazzi-commits] [paparazzi/paparazzi] b3bb35: [modules] dc: replace meter grid by proper distanc...
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 06:09:17 -0800

  Branch: refs/heads/digital_cam_cleanup
  Commit: b3bb3576a17f67565e1ccdcc4554975db48b3cb3
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-11-10 (Mon, 10 Nov 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/airframes/CDW/ChimuTinyFwSpi.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/classix.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/ChimuJTinyFwSpi.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/ChimuTinyFw.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/yapa3_aspirin2.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/tiny2_chimu_spi_pt.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/yapa_xsens.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/MentorEnergy.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/Twinstar_energyadaptive.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/separate_fbw_ap.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/yapaChimuSpi.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_servo.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_uart.xml
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.c
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.h

  Log Message:
  [modules] dc: replace meter grid by proper distance autoshoot

Previously DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE would shoot on a 100m UTM north distance grid,
seems like nobody actually used that or found this useful.
So changing this to "proper" distance based autoshoot, storing the last shot 
position and
shoting the next one if dc_autoshoot_distance_interval is greater than distance 
to last saved shot position.

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