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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Flight plan blocks and keyboard

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Flight plan blocks and keyboard
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:05:16 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090608)


key accelerators are now also available for the settings in the GCS:
<dl_setting MAX="200" MIN="-200" STEP="10" VAR="nav_radius" module="nav" handler="SetNavRadius">
<key_press key="greater" value="1"/> <!-- ">" key to turn CW -->
<key_press key="less" value="-1"/>   <!-- "<" key to turn CCW -->
<key_press key="F10" value="100"/>


Andrew S wrote:
Thank you very much, Pascal!
The idea for use this was following- we write three blocks of flight plan - fly forvard, fly left and fly right (with default circle radius), and drive the plane by three keyboard buttons in real time. Also we can assign few keys to drive camera attitude. By the way, is it possible to drive camera by joystick? Andrew

01.07.09, 02:33, "Pascal Brisset" <address@hidden>:

Added in the svn trunk; examples in basic.xml :
    <block key="t" name="Takeoff" ...
    <block key="<Control>a" name="Standby" ...
    <block key="F8" name="Figure 8 around wp 1" ...
Cited in the wiki:
Coming later for the settings ...
Andrew S wrote:
Hello there

Is there any way to use keyboard for choosing flight plan blocks? For example press 
"T" for takeoff. This would be usefull.


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